Content by Subject 2017/18
Examination Regulation changes
Register of Congregation
Degrees by Resolution
Consultative & general notices
Appointment-related notices
Events & exhibitions
Student-related notices
College-related notices
Council & its committees
All changes to legislation made by Council and its committees and published in the Gazette during the 2017/18 academic year.
- Oxford University Alumni Board
- Membership of the subcommittees of the Central University Research Ethics Committee (CUREC)
- Composition of the Clubs Committee
- Income grants from the College Contributions Fund
- Council Regulations 3 of 2004: Schedules (employment of University staff)
- Council Regulations 3 of 2017 (Regulations for constituting Panels convened under Statute XII Parts B, D and H)
- External member of Council: nomination (Charles Harman) (notice) (approved) (corrigendum)
- Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
- Administration of the University's Intellectual Property Policy
- Joint Subcommittee of the Education Committee with Student Members
- Membership of the Board of the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics
- Medical Research Fund Committee: composition
- Renaming of the Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Inclusion of Oxford University Press into the financial accounts of the University
- Changes to Financial Regulations regarding Oxford University Endowment Management
- Permanent Private Hall Supervisory Committee
- Property Management Subcommittee
- Rules Committee Regulations 1 of 2017: Regulations for the Activities and Conduct of Student Members (supplement)
- Staff Employment Review Panel and University Appeal Panel
- Strategic Capital Steering Group (22 March) (24 May)
- Regulation changes relating to the University's bond
General Purposes Committee of Council
- Lyell Reader in Bibliography
- Professorship of Bibliography and Modern Book History (establishing) (amending)
- Borthwick-Norton Fund
- Butt Colson Bequest
- Establishment of a Climax Professorship of Clinical Therapeutics
- Renaming of the Barnett Professorship of Comparative Social Policy and Politics
- George Eastman Visiting Professorship
- Statutory Professors of Education
- Establishment of the Gareth Evans Fund
- Establishment of the Blavatnik School of Government Academic Staff Fund
- Establishment of the Blavatnik School of Government Scholarship Fund
- Professorship of the History of Art
- Hudson Memorial Fund
- Renaming of the Hogan Lovells Professor of Law and Finance
- American Standard Companies Professorship of Operations Management
- Renaming of a Professorship of Primary Care Health Sciences
- Establishment of the Thistlewood Fund
- Wykeham Professorship of Physics
All resolutions, legislative proposals, changes to regulations and other business submitted to Congregation and published in the Gazette during the 2017/18 academic year.
- Authorising the use of space in the Beecroft Building (announced 24 May) (carried 7 Jun) (approved 14 Jun)
- Authorising the use of space for the BioEscalator (announced 24 May) (carried 7 Jun) (approved 14 Jun)
- Authorising the use of space for the Department of Experimental Psychology and Department of Zoology following the closure of the Tinbergen Building (announced 21 Sept) (carried 5 Oct) (approved 12 Oct)
- Authorising the use of space in the Fleming Boathouse (announced 15 Feb) (carried 1 Mar) (approved 8 Mar)
- Authorising the use of space in a new building to be constructed as phase 3 of the Botnar Research Centre (announced 21 Sept) (carried 5 Oct) (approved 12 Oct)
- Authorising the use of space in a new neurosciences building at the John Radcliffe Hospital (announced 21 Sept) (carried 5 Oct) (approved 12 Oct)
- Authorising the use of space in the Robert Hooke Building (announced 7 Dec) (carried 11 Jan) (approved 18 Jan)
- Resolution regarding Council's self-review 2018 (announced 26 Apr) (withdrawn 17 May)
- Resolutions approving the conferment of Honorary Degrees (announced: 22 March, 26 April) (carried: 19 April, 10 May) (approved: 26 April, 17 May)
- Resolution: to suspend statutory procedures (announced 1 Mar) (not carried 15 Mar)
- Resolution: on the level of risk proposed by the USS trustee (announced 1 Mar) (to proceed to future Congregation meeting) (resolution implemented)
Changes to Regulations
- Presentation of the Annual Review of the University (announced 10 May) (carried 24 May) (presented 31 May)
- Conduct of Business in Congregation (announced 9 Nov) (approved 30 Nov)
- Degree Ceremonies (announced 21 Sept) (carried 5 Oct) (approved 12 Oct)
- Religious Services and Sermons: Commemoration Day Sermon (announced 15 Feb) (carried 1 Mar) (approved 8 Mar)
- Religious Services and Sermons: Sermon on the Grace of Humility (announced 15 Feb) (carried 1 Mar) (approved 8 Mar)
Other Congregation business
- Admission of Clerks of the Market (announced 28 Sept) (reported 5 Oct)
- Admission of Pro-Vice-Chancellors (announced 28 Sept) (reported 5 Oct)
- Admission of Proctors and Assessor (announced 22 Feb) (admitted 15 Mar)
- Admission of Pro-Proctors (admitted 15 Mar)
- Oration by the Vice-Chancellor (announced 21 Sept) (text of oration (Supplement)) (reported 5 Oct) (presentation announced 9 Nov) (presentation declared 30 Nov)
- Question and Reply (EJRA) (announced 19 Oct) (reported and supplementary questions) (reply to supplementary questions)
- Topic for Discussion on proposed changes to the USS pension scheme and the background to the current dispute (announced 22 Mar) (transcript of meeting)
Register of Congregation
The following is a list of all of the Gazette notices of staff added to the Register of Congregation during the 2017/18 academic year. They are listed in order of the issue in which their name appears. A full listing of the whole Register of Congregation (as it stands at a particular date) is published in Hilary term each year.
Revised Register of Congregation 2018
- As at 15 Feb: p279 (supplement)
Trinity term
Hilary term
Michaelmas term
Degree by Resolution
The following is a list of all of the Gazette notices of staff awarded an MA by resolution during the 2017/18 academic year. They are listed by the date of the Gazette issue in which the resolution was announced. Single sign-on login is required to read these notices*:
Trinity term
Hilary term
Michaelmas term
The following is a list of elections held during the 2017/18 academic year as published in the Gazette. They are listed by category and then by notices of vacancies, nominations published and results. Further information about elections within the University of Oxford can be found on the Elections website.
Elections by Congregation
- Council
- Member of Congregation from Divisions of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences and Medical Sciences (vacancies announced) (nominations) (results)
- Member of Congregation from Divisions of Humanities and Social Sciences (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results)
- Member of Congregation not necessarily being a member of any division and not nominated in a divisional capacity (vacancies announced) (nominations) (results)
- TT:
- Buildings and Estates Subcommittee (vacancies announced) (nominations) (results)
- Continuing Education Board (vacancies announced) (lapsed vacancies)
- Visitors of the Ashmolean Museum (vacancies announced) (nominations) (results)
- Visitors of the Botanic Garden (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results)
- Delegacy for Nomination of Candidates for Ecclesiastical Benefices (vacancies announced) (lapsed vacancies)
- Prevent Steering Group (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results) (lapsed vacancies)
- Committee for the Ruskin School of Fine Art (vacancies announced) (lapsed vacancies)
- Curators of the Sheldonian Theatre (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results)
- Visitatorial Board Panel (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results)
- MT:
- Pool for Constituting Panels convened under Statute XII Parts B, D and H (vacancies announced) (nominations: 26 October, 2 November) (uncontested election: results) (lapsed vacancies)
- Council
Divisional Board Elections
- TT:
- Humanities Board (vacancies announced: 22 March, 19 April) ( nominations) (uncontested election: results) (lapsed vacancies)
- Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results)
- Social Sciences Board (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results) (lapsed vacancies)
- HT:
- Social Sciences Divisional Board (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results) (lapsed vacancies)
- MT:
- Continuing Education Board (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results)
- TT:
Faculty Board Elections
- TT:
- Board of the Faculty of English Language and Literature (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results)
- Board of the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results) (lapsed vacancies)
- Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results)
- Board of the Faculty of Philosophy (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results)
- HT:
- Board of the Faculty of Law (vacancies announced) (nominations) (uncontested election: results)
- Board of the Faculty of Philosophy (vacancies announced: 11 January, 18 January) (nominations: 8 February, 15 February) (uncontested election: results: 15 February, 22 February)
- MT:
- Board of the Faculty of Theology and Religion (vacancies announced) (nominations: 19 October, 26 October) (uncontested election: results)
- TT:
Consultative and general notices published in the Gazette during the 2017/18 academic year
University committees
Consultative notices
- External Membership of Council
- Review of the Degree of Doctor of Medicine
- Review of the Saïd Business School
- Review of the Department of Chemistry
- Review of the Blavatnik School of Government
- Call for nominations for Honorary Degrees to be conferred at Encaenia 2019, and for Degrees by Diploma
- Harris Manchester: Revised statutes
- Magdalen: Revised statutes
- Materials Science, review of
- Queen's: Revised statutes
- Review of Regent's Park College
- Consultation on the University’s Strategic Plan
- Consolidation of Department of Zoology trust funds
General notices
- Guidelines for academic leave
- Committee on Animal Care and Ethical Review: Annual Report 2016–17
- University's Annual Review 2016/17
- MSc in Clinical Embryology (deadline for research dissertations)
- University's Policy on Conflict of Interest
- Members of Council elected from Congregation
- Dates of Term 2018–24
- Revised EJRA Procedure
- Encaenia
- Changes to online publication of the Gazette
- Gazette subscription arrangements 2018–19
- Industrial action (8 February, 19 April)
- MSc in Neuroscience (deadlines for approval and submission) (examination dates for 2018–19)
- Oxford Learning Institute: Oxford essentials
- Holding of outside appointments
- University of Oxford Staff Pension Scheme (OSPS)
- Oxford University Press: Annual Report of the Delegates of the University Press 2017–18
- Consolidation of small trust funds: approved by Her Majesty in Council
- van Houten Fund
- Vice-Chancellor's Innovation Awards
Appointment-related notices
All notices relating to the appointment and recognition of distinction of staff and visiting professors at the University published in the Gazette during the 2017/18 academic year
Appointments and reappointments
Senior Appointments
- High Steward
- Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)
- Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Development and External Affairs)
- Pro Vice-Chancellor (Innovation)
- Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
- Additional Pro-Vice-Chancellor
- Departmental Headships: Social Sciences (1 March, 17 May)
- Head of the Medical Sciences Division
- Headship of the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography (corrigendum)
- Headship of the Subdepartment of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
- Head of the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies
- Headship of the Oxford Internet Institute
- Directorship of the Oxford Martin School
- Headship of the Subdepartment of Particle Physics
- Headship of the Department of Physics
- Registrar of the University
- Head of the Department of Social Policy and Intervention
Statutory Professorships
- John G Winant Visiting Professorship of American Government
- Wykeham Professorship of Ancient History
- Professorship of Applied Statistics
- Professorship of Biomaterials
- James Meade Professorship of Economics
- Nuffield Professorship of Economics
- Professorship of Education
- Merton Professorship of English Language and Literature
- Professorship of Epidemiology
- Lee Placito Professorship of Gastroenterological Disease
- Savilian Professorship of Geometry
- Gladstone Professorship of Government
- Agnelli–Serena Professorship of Italian Studies
- Professorship of Jurisprudence
- Professorship of Mathematical Finance
- Regius Professorship of Mathematics
- Wilde Professorship of Mental Philosophy
- Professorship of Socio-Legal Studies
Other appointments, reappointments and conferments of title
- Humanities
Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
Medical Sciences
Social Sciences
Visiting Professorships
Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
Medical Sciences
Social Sciences
Recognition of Distinction
Electoral Boards and Selection Committees
- Wykeham Professorship of Ancient History
- Professorship of Bibliography and Modern Book History
- Nuffield Professorship of Clinical Medicine
- Climax Professorship of Clinical Therapeutics
- James Meade Professorship of Economics and Professorship of Economics
- Merton Professorship of English Language and Literature (revised)
- Dubai Ports World Professorship of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- George Eastman Visiting Professorship
- Nuffield Professorship of Economics
- Professorship of Epidemiology
- Blavatnik Professorship of Government and Public Policy (revised)
- Professorship of Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law
- Sedleian Professorship of Natural Philosophy
- American Standard Companies Professorship of Operations Management
- Professorship of Paediatric Neuroimaging
- Professorship of Paediatric Neuromuscular Disease
- Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
- Watts Professorship of Psychology
- Barnett Professorship of Social Policy
- Professorship of Socio-Legal Studies (28 September) (2 November)
- Professorship of Sociology
All lecture notices published in the Gazette during the 2017/18 academic year
Termly supplements
Other lecture notices
Trinity term
Hilary term
Michaelmas term
Events & exhibitions
All notices relating to musical and other events and exhibitions published in the Gazette during the 2017/18 academic year
University Preachers
Musical and other events
- Balliol (MT) (18 January) (26 April)
- Christ Church (3 May)
- Corpus Christi (MT)
- Hertford (MT)
- Lincoln (19 April)
- Faculty of Music (MT) (3 May)
- Merton (12 October) (19 October) (8 March) (24 May)
- New College (MT)
- Oriel (8 February) (10 May)
- Pembroke (MT) (18 January) (19 April)
- Queen's (MT) (1 March) (31 May)
- St Hilda's (MT) (18 January) (19 April) (3 May)
- St Stephen's House (12 October) (2 November) (30 November) (18 January) (1 February) (1 March) (31 May) (28 June) (19 July)
- University Church (1 February)
Student-related notices
All notices relating to students published in the Gazette during the 2017/18 academic year
NB: Single sign-on login is required to read these notices*:
Supplications for higher degrees
Viva voce examinations
Trinity term
Hilary term
Michaelmas term
Prizes awarded to graduate students
Prizes, grants and funding offered
- History of Art Committee: Laurence Binyon Prize 2018
- Australian National University: Student Exchange
- Bodleian Libraries: Colin Franklin Prize
- Bodleian Libraries: Gordon Duff Prize
- University of Cambridge: Ernest Oppenheimer Studentship
- Charterhouse European Bursaries
- Christ Church: Orlando Composition Prize
- Gibbs Fund: Gibbs Prizes
- Faculty of History: Roy Foster Irish Government Senior Scholarship in the History and Culture of Ireland
- Oxford Italian Association: Clara Florio Cooper Memorial Bursaries and Grants
- Queen Elizabeth Scholarship
- Erasmus staff training
- Europaeum: Oxford–Geneva Bursary
- Europaeum: Oxford–Helsinki Study Bursary
- Europaeum: Oxford–Prague Bursary
- Gladstone Memorial Trust: Travel Awards
- IARU Global Summer Programme
- Lee Placito Medical Fund
- Lockey Bequest
- Medical Sciences Division: Peter Beaconsfield Prize in Physiological Sciences
- Middle East Centre, St Antony's: Azizeh Sheibani Essay Prize in Iranian and Persian Speaking World Studies
- Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour: Gotch Memorial Prize
- Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour: Gotch Memorial Studentship
- Hester Cordelia Parsons Fund
- Peterhouse, Cambridge: Graduate Studentships 2018
- Alfred Toepfer Stiftung FVS: Hanseatic Scholarship
- Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung: Theodor Heuss Research Fellowship
- Philippe Wiener-Maurice Anspach Foundation
- St Antony's: Wai Seng Senior Research Scholar in Asia-Pacific Studies
- St Catherine's: Graduate Scholarships
- St Edmund Hall: Philip Geddes Memorial Prizes for student journalism
- St John's College: Harper-Wood Studentship for English Poetry and Literature
- St John's College, Cambridge: Louis Cha Scholarship
- St John's College, Cambridge: research scholarships
- Santander Academic Travel Awards
- Scatcherd European Scholarships
- Social Sciences Board: Pavry and Winchester Thesis Prizes 2018
* certain student-related content published in the Gazette can only be read online by current University staff or students, because it is covered by a prohibition on publishing outside the EU under data protection legislation
College notices
All notices relating to memorial services, obituary notices and the election of staff in colleges, halls and societies published in the Gazette during the 2017/18 academic year
- Christ Church (28 September) (25 January) (8 March) (19 April)
- Hertford (5 July)
- Keble (7 December)
- Lincoln (28 September) (8 February)
- Magdalen (28 September)
- Merton (7 December) (8 February) (15 March) (19 April)
- Oriel (28 September) (11 January) (3 May)
- St Hilda's (28 September) (19 October) (26 October) (9 November) (7 December) (11 January) (8 February) (8 March) (19 April) (10 May) (14 June) (5 July)
- St Hugh's (28 September) (11 January)
- Trinity (19 October) (14 June) (21 June)
- Wolfson (28 September)
- Worcester (28 September) (19 October) (9 November) (7 December) (11 January) (18 January) (15 February) (15 March) (19 April) (10 May) (14 June) (19 July)
College elections
- Election of Assessor (notice of date) (results)
- Election of Proctors (notice of date) (results)
- Vacancies on Conference and University committees
- Principal appointed: Harris Manchester (The Revd Professor Jane Shaw)
- Jesus (26 October)
- Principal appointed: St Edmund Hall (Professor Katherine Willis)
Memorial services
- Professor John Michael Baker (Merton)
- Professor Sir John Grimley Evans (Green Templeton)
- Paul Kent (Christ Church)
- Denis Mack Smith (All Souls)
- Georgina Mary Moore (St Hilda's)
- James Morwood (Wadham)
- The Revd Dr Michael Screech (All Souls)
- Dr Ann Gaynor Taylor (St Edmund Hall)
- Dr Gordon Kemble (Kem) Woodgate (St Peter's)
- David Wulstan (St Peter's)
- Mark Whittow (Corpus Christi and Oriel)