Corrections to Gazette

Gazette 2024/25: Volume 155

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List of amendments made in the Gazette during the academic year 2024/25

Correction to Gazette no 5441, 12 December 2024

  • corrected error relating to Social Sciences Departmental Headships 

Correction to Gazette no 5440, 5 December 2024

  • corrected error relating to Hamish Forsyth's degrees in notice relating to the nomination of external members of Council

Correction to Gazette no 5438, 21 November 2024

  • corrected error in notice relating to the resolution authorising the allocation of space in the New Radcliffe House

Corrections to Gazette no 5436, 7 November 2024

  • updated notice relating to the Ethical Investment Review
  • updated end date of Classics Faculty election periods

Correction to Gazette no 5432, 10 October 2024

  • added new vacancies to elections notice for Statute XII Pool for Constituting Panels

Correction to Gazette no 5431, 3 October 2024

  • updated title for corrigendum to Statute XII

Corrections to Gazette no 5430, 26 September 2024

  • added missing clauses to terms of reference of review of Radcliffe Department of Medicine
  • updated Congregation resolution to 'carried' for (2) Resolution to constitute a Redundancy Panel under Statute XII

Correction to Gazette no 5445, 6 February 2025

  • updated sign-up hyperlink to register for inaugural lecture 

Correction to Gazette no 5446, 13 February 2025

  • amended start time of David Nicholls Memorial Trust lecture

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List of amendments made in the Gazette during the academic year 2023/24

Correction to supplement (1) to Gazette no 5428, 4 July 2024 (Voting on Resolutions - Graduate Application Fee & Redundancy Panel)

  • corrected misnaming of Professor Helen Swift as Professor Smith

Correction to supplement (1) to Gazette no 5427, 27 June 2024 (Encaenia 2024)

  • corrected spelling of Uehiro

Correction to Gazette no 5426, 20 June 2024

  • updated date of Gaurav Dubey's viva

Corrections to Gazette no 5422, 23 May 2024

  • added meeting information to 11 June Congregation notice
  • updated date, time and external examiner for Otto Sumray's viva

Correction to Gazette no 5420, 9 May 2024

  • corrected college information for Andreas Bjorklund's viva

Correction to Gazette no 5417, 18 April 2024, and no 5418, 25 April 2024

  • corrected contact details for elections queries to the Secretary of the Statute XII Pool for Constituting Panels

Corrections to Gazette no 5416, 21 March 2024

  • as per request from Council Secretariat, pending approval from Council, removed notices from Council and Main Committees section relating to changes to regulations for:
    • Student Fitness to Study Panel
    • Education Committee
    • Employment of University staff
    • Ruskin School of Art
  • added accidentally omitted text re deadline for submitting resolution to annul/amend changes to Council regulations

Correction to Gazette no 5415, 14 March 2024

  • corrected notice of admission of Proctors and Assessor to note that Martin Williams, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), presided over the ceremony instead of the Vice-Chancellor

Correction to Gazette no 5411, 15 February 2024, and no 5412, 22 February 2024

  • corrected deadline for opposing/amending resolutions at 19 March Congregation meeting

Correction to Gazette no 5396, 19 October 2023

  • added qualifications for Social Sciences appointment

Correction to Gazette no 5396, 5 October 2023

  • added notice of Vice-Chancellor's Oration, admission of PVCs and admission of Clerks of the Market having taken place

List of amendments made in the Gazette during the academic year 2022/23

Correction to Gazette no 5390, 22 June 2023

  • corrected time of Professor Peter Dickson's memorial service at St Catherine's

Correction to Gazette no 5382, 27 April 2023

  • corrected spelling of Professor Dimitry Belyaev's name in MPLS Divisional Board election

Corrections to Gazette no 5381, 20 April 2023

  • corrected spelling of Professor Dimitry Belyaev's name in MPLS Divisional Board election
  • corrected voter registration link for Professor of Poetry election

Correction to Gazette no 5377, 2 March 2023

  • corrected date for end of Michaelmas term 2023 for MBA candidates

Correction to Gazette no 5367, 24 November 2022

  • added text to notice of 29 November Congregation agenda to confirm cancellation of meeting

Correction to Gazette no 5364, 3 November 2022

  • updated date of Judge Theodor Meron's lecture at Trinity

Correction to Gazette no 5362, 20 October 2022

  • added Social Sciences viva

List of amendments made in the Gazette during the academic year 2021/22

Correction to Gazette no 5357, 21 July 2022

  • moved legislative proposals (1), (2) and (3) from agenda of 11 October Congregation meeting to agenda of 18 October Congregation meeting

Corrections to Gazette no 5356, 7 July 2022

  • corrected link to OUP's Annual Report
  • corrected link to job vacancy details at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge

Corrections to Gazette no 5356, 7 July 2022

  • corrected obituary notices attributed to St Cross, which should have been attributed to St Hilda's
  • corrected date of Hyun-Min Lim's DPhil viva

Correction to Gazette no 5355, 30 June 2022

  • corrected wording of resolution (3) for Congregation meeting of 11 October: location of space to be allocated to the Medical Sciences Division should be Churchill Hospital site, not Old Road Campus

Correction to Gazette no 5353, 16 June 2022

  • amended email address to register to attend Dick Repp's memorial service at St Cross

Correction to Gazette no 5349, 19 May 2022

  • amended notice re Pembroke's Fulbright lectures to show they take place on Tuesdays rather than Thursdays

Correction to Gazette no 5345, 21 April 2022

  • amended notice re election to Prevent Steering Group to correct those eligible for election and spelling of one incumbent's name

Correction to Gazette no 5344, 24 March 2022

  • added 11 signatories, previously omitted in error, to resolution for 26 April Congregation

Correction to Gazette no 5342, 10 March 2022

  • changed the time and date of examination of an MPLS DPhil viva

Correction to Gazette no 5341, 3 March 2022

  • changed the time and date of examination of a Social Sciences DPhil viva
  • changed the time of a Campion Hall lecture

Correction to Gazette no 5338, 10 February 2022

  • added the time to the notification of a meeting at New College to elect the Assessor

Corrections to Gazette no 5333, 9 December 2021

  • reference to Council Regulations 2 of 2002 corrected to Council Regulations 2 of 2004
  • changed arrangements for EJRA meeting on 13 January to be online and not in person

Correction to Gazette no 5332, 2 December 2021

  • changed the time and date of examination of an MPLS DPhil viva

Corrections to Gazette no 5331, 25 November 2021

  • changed the time and date of examination of an MPLS DPhil viva
  • changed the time and date of examination of a Medical Sciences DPhil viva

Correction to Gazette no 5330, 18 November 2021

  • changed the place of examination of a Social Sciences DPhil viva

Correction to Gazette no 5328, 4 November 2021

  • changed the place of examination of an MPLS DPhil viva

Correction to Gazette no 5323, 30 September 2021

  • added Professor Catriona Seth's title to University Sermon listing

Correction to supplement: Encaenia 2021 - (1) to Gazette no 5322, 23 September 2021

  • added a missing name to the list of obituaries in the Creweian Oration: Angus Hawkins of Keble

List of amendments made in the Gazette during the academic year 2020/21

Correction to Gazette no 5313, 27 May 2021

  • added 2 missing hyphens to candidate statement for Alexander Schekochihin (Council vacancy)

Correction to Gazette no 5309, 22 April 2021

  • Updated notice of Council elections to show only one Humanities/Social Sciences vacancy

List of amendments made in the Gazette during the academic year 2019/20

Correction to Gazette no 5282, 25 June 2020

  • Council of the University: Amended reference to Council Regulations 9 of 2006 to the correct Council Regulations 8 of 2006 (Regulations for Procedures concerning Fitness to Teach during the course of the PGCE programme)

Correction to Gazette no 5271, 19 March 2020

  • Election of Pro-Proctors for 2021/22: updated entry for Dr Jonathan Brant to show that he is a Research Fellow of Harris Manchester
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List of amendments made in the Gazette during the academic year 2018/19

Corrections to Gazette no 5237, 25 April 2019

  • Professor of Poetry election: change of deadline to nominate candidate or stand as candidate from 4pm on 8 May to 4pm on 9 May
  • Congregation elections:
    • change to contact for Delegacy for Military Instruction
    • change to vacancy information for MPLS Divisional Board and Boards of the Faculties of History, Music, Philosophy and Theology & Religion

Correction to Gazette no 5231, 14 February 2019

  • Correction to regulations pertaining to the Professor of Taxation Law and Professor of Comparative Law

Correction to Gazette no 5229, 31 January 2019

  • Correction to a vacancy notice

Correction to Gazette no 5227, 17 January 2019

  • Correction to information regarding a vacancy at Wadham

Correction to Gazette no 5226, 10 January 2019

  • Correction to Examination regulation change for PGDip in Financial Strategy

Correction to Gazette no 5225, 6 December 2018

  • Correction to review of the Department for Continuing Education (OUDCE) to include both postgraduate and undergraduate programmes within the scope of
  • Updated information to viva notices

Correction to Gazette no 5224, 29 November 2018

  • Correction to membership of electoral board for Nolloth Professorship of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion
  • Updated information to a viva notice

Correction to Gazette no 5223, 22 November 2018

  • Correction to a viva notice

Correction to Gazette no 5222, 15 November 2018

  • Correction to a viva notice

Correction to Gazette no 5221, 8 November 2018

  • Correction to a viva notice

Correction to Gazette no 5219, 25 October 2018

  • Correction to appointment notice for Climax Professorship of Clinical Therapeutics
  • Correction to a viva notice

Correction to Gazette no 5218, 18 October 2018

  • Correction to appointment notice of visiting professorship

Correction to Gazette no 5217, 11 October 2018

  • Correction to appointment notice of Associate Professor of Petrology and Crustal Processes (Earth Sciences)

Correction to Gazette no 5214, 20 September 2018

  • Correction to Examination regulation change for FHS of Jurisprudence

List of amendments made to the content of the online Gazette during the academic year 2017/18

Correction to Gazette no 5213, 19 July 2018

  • Correction to list of degrees of appointee for the Headship of the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography

Correction to Gazette no 5206, 24 May 2018

  • Correction to vacancy notice for Lecturership in Economics at St Edmund Hall
  • Change of date of lecture and additional lecture announced for Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies

Correction to Gazette no 5204, 10 May 2018

  • Correction to appointment notice of Nicholas Green
  • Updated information to a viva notice
  • Correction to Examination Regulation change for Research Degrees in the Saïd Business School originally published in the 24 November 2016 Gazette
  • Correction to vacancy notice for Junior Dean at New College

Correction to Gazette no 5203, 3 May 2018

  • Correction to title of appointment of Geraldine Wright
  • Correction to title of appointment of Ashleigh Griffin
  • Correction to name of performer, Tim Horton, for musical event at St Hilda's

Correction to Gazette no 5199, 15 March 2018

  • Updated information to two viva notices

Correction to Gazette no 5198, 8 March 2018

  • Updated information to a viva notice

Correction to Gazette no 5197, 1 March 2018

  • Updated information to two viva notices

Correction to Gazette no 5195, 15 February 2018

  • Correction to Examination Regulation change for MPhil in Russian and East European Studies originally published on 7 December 2017

Correction to Gazette no 5192, 25 January 2018

  • Corrected time of a lecture to be given in the Perspectives on Social Policy in Oxford seminars

Corrections to Gazette no 5191, 18 January 2018

  • Corrected venue of one of the sermons to be given by the University Preachers
  • Corrected time, day and venue of History of the exact sciences seminar

Correction to Gazette no 5190, 11 January 2018

  • Correction to Examination Regulation change for Research Degrees in Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division originally published on 30 November 2017

Corrections to Gazette no 5188, 30 November 2017

  • Corrected the start date of external member of Council Charles Harman to 1 January 2018
  • Corrected end date of term of appointment for Kalina Irena Allendorf

Correction to Gazette no 5183, 26 October 2017

  • Corrected date of a lecture to be given in the series Middle East Studies: Modern Israel studies seminar

Corrections to Gazette no 5180, 5 October 2017

  • Corrected date of elections to the Pool from which Panels are convened under Statute XII Parts B, D and H
  • Added details of incumbents to Elections section
  • Amended notice of vacancies on the Board of Faculty of Theology and Religion to reflect that the vacancies will take effect from Hilary term 2018

Corrections to Gazette no 5179, 28 September 2017

  • Updated time of a viva
  • Updated date of a viva

List of amendments made to the content of online Gazette during the academic year 2016–17

Correction to Gazette no 5175, 29 June 2017

  • Updated closing date of Wolfson job advert for a minibus driver

Corrections to Gazette no 5171, 1 June 2017

  • Corrected date of a viva to 7 June
  • Corrected one of Geraldine Johnson's nominators to 'A J Parker, St John's, Faculties of Physiological Sciences and of Psychological Studies'

Corrections to Gazette no 5170, 25 May 2017

  • Corrected one of Geraldine Johnson's nominators to 'A J Parker, St John's, Faculties of Physiological Sciences and of Psychological Studies'
  • Corrected typo in Tania Boyt's candidate statement for election to Council

Correction to Gazette no 5169, 18 May 2017

  • Corrected one of Geraldine Johnson's nominators to 'A J Parker, St John's, Faculties of Physiological Sciences and of Psychological Studies'

Correction to Gazette no 5168, 11 May 2017

  • Corrected date of a viva voce examination to 19 May

Corrections to Gazette no 5167, 4 May 2017

  • 8 June elections: removed an erroneous Faculty of Law vacancy notice and unnecessary note beneath Continuing Education Board vacancy notice

Correction to Gazette no 5166, 27 April 2017

  • Moved notice regarding St Hilda's revised statutes from General Notices to Consultative Notices
  • 8 June elections: removed an erroneous Faculty of Law vacancy notice and unnecessary note beneath Continuing Education Board vacancy notice

Correction to Gazette no 5165, 20 April 2017

  • 8 June elections: removed an erroneous Faculty of Law vacancy notice and unnecessary note beneath Continuing Education Board vacancy notice

Correction to Gazette no 5164, 23 March 2017

  • 8 June elections: removed an erroneous Faculty of Law vacancy notice and unnecessary note beneath Continuing Education Board vacancy notice

Correction to Gazette no 5163, 16 March 2017

  • Corrected qualifications of The Revd Dr Elizabeth Macfarlane in Admission of Pro-Proctors (2017–18) notice

Correction to Gazette no 5162, 9 March 2017

  • Corrected renumbering of Council Regulations 15 of 2002, part 6: only the numbering of the last three sections should have been struck through, not the entire sections

Corrections to Gazette no 5161, 2 March 2017

  • Corrected spelling of candidate's name in a viva
  • Corrected spelling of candidate's name in a viva and updated location to Manor Road Building

Corrections to Gazette no 5155, 19 January 2017

  • Updated notes re election to Pool for Constituting Panels convened under Statute XII Parts B, D and H to confirm that college staff are not covered by Statute XII (with exceptions as noted)
  • Updated time of Faculty of Music listing for Natalie Klein masterclass on 8 March to 10am

Corrections to Gazette no 5154, 12 January 2017

  • Updated notes re election to Pool for Constituting Panels convened under Statute XII Parts B, D and H to confirm that college staff are not covered by Statute XII (with exceptions as noted)
  • Updated date and time of a viva to 3pm on 12 April, and changed name of external examiner

Correction to Gazette no 5150, 17 November 2016

  • Corrected date of a viva to 12 January

Corrections to Gazette no 5149, 10 November 2016

  • Corrected salary for College Career Development Fellow in Ancient Philosophy vacancy at Queen's
  • Changed date and time of a viva to 2 December, 10.30am

Correction to Gazette no 5148, 3 November 2016

  • Corrected qualification of Sally Collins, nominee for Audit and Scrutiny Committee, to a BSc from East Anglia

Corrections to Gazette no 5147, 27 October 2016

  • Updated closing date of Admissions Officer post at Jesus to 21 November
  • Changed date and time of a viva to 1 December, 10am

Corrections to Gazette no 5146, 20 October 2016

  • Amended date of a DPhil viva to 24 October
  • Amended name of DPhil candidate

Corrections to Gazette no 5144, 6 October 2016

  • Amended spelling of name of DPhil candidate
  • Amended spelling of name of DPhil candidate

Corrections to Gazette no 5143, 29 September 2016

  • Added notice re the admission of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors and Clerks of the Market during 4 October Congregation meeting
  • Amended name of DPhil candidate

List of amendments made to the content of online Gazette during the academic year 2015–16

Corrections to Gazette no 5137, 16 June 2016

  • Added notice about industrial action on 22 June
  • Updated date and time of a viva

Correction to Gazette no 5136, 9 June 2016

  • Amended a viva date

Correction to Gazette no 5135, 1 June 2016

  • Amended sponsoring division of George Eastman Visiting Professorship to Social Sciences and Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences

Correction to Gazette no 5134, 26 May 2016

  • Removed erroneous mention of University College in notice of Brasenose's revised statutes

Correction to Gazette no 5131, 5 May 2016

  • Removed election notice for Ruskin School of Art

Corrections to Gazette no 5130, 28 April 2016

  • Removed advert for Jenner Institute Ebola study participants (fully recruited)
  • Removed election notice for Ruskin School of Art

Corrections to Gazette no 5129, 21 April 2016

  • Three additional names added to list of current/retiring members on Board of the Faculty of History
  • Removed election notice for Ruskin School of Art

Corrections to Gazette no 5125, 3 March 2016

  • Removed DPhil from list of Luke Pitcher's qualifications in notice of candidates for Public Orator election
  • Removed MSt and DPhil from list of Luke Pitcher's qualifications in notice of admission of Proctors and Assessor

Correction to Gazette no 5124, 25 February 2016

  • Removed DPhil from list of Luke Pitcher's qualifications in notice of candidates for Public Orator election

Corrections to Gazette no 5123, 18 February 2016

  • Corrected a viva to Master of Science
  • Removed DPhil from list of Luke Pitcher's qualifications in notice of candidates for Public Orator election

Corrections to Gazette no 5120, 28 January 2016

  • Corrected a viva to Master of Studies
  • Corrected date of a viva to 25 February
  • Corrected time of a viva to 10am
  • Corrected start date of Pedro Carvalho's appointment as EP Abraham Professorship of Cell Biology to 1 August 2016 (from 1 July 2016)

Correction to Gazette no 5117, 10 December 2015

  • Updated time of a viva

Correction to Gazette no 5114, 19 November 2015

  • Updated time of a viva

Correction to Gazette no 5112, 5 November 2015

  • Updated time of a viva

Correction to Gazette no 5110, 22 October 2015

  • Corrected spelling of name in 26 October Degree by Resolution notice
  • Updated date of a viva

Correction to Gazette no 5109, 15 October 2015

  • Updated date of Dr Jeremy Richardson's chemistry lecture from 23 November to 30 November

Correction to Gazette no 5108, 8 October 2015

  • Inserted revised composition of electoral board for the Professorship of Mathematical Logic

Corrections to Gazette no 5107, 1 October 2015

  • Amended notice of Ofra Magidor's appointment to Waynflete Professorship of Metaphysical Philosophy to include date of fellowship at Magdalen
  • Changed closing date for Everitt Butterfield Research Fellowship recruitment at Downing College, Cambridge

List of amendments made to the content of online Gazette during the academic year 2014–15

Corrections to Gazette no 5099, 4 May 2015

  • Amended Mr Swadling's title (from Professor) in list of members of the Linklaters Professorship of Comparative Law board of electors

Corrections to Gazette no 5098, 28 May 2015

  • Added H M Jones III, St Antony's, and O J Ready, Wolfson, to list of those nominating Simon Armitage for the Professorship of Poetry
  • Deleted D Norbrook, Balliol, Magdalen, from list of those nominating Wole Soyinka for the Professorship of Poetry
  • Amended A K Hawkins, St Anne's, to S G Hawkins, St Anne's, in list of those nominating Wole Soyinka for the Professorship of Poetry

Corrections to Gazette no 5097, 21 May 2015

  • Moved M R Gifford, Trinity, and H Asari, Trinity, from list of those nominating Seán Haldane for the Professorship of Poetry to list of those nominating Simon Armitage
  • Removed A E Trefethen, St Cross, Faculty of Computer Science, from list of those nominating H R Woudhuysen to the Curators of the University Libraries
  • Added H M Jones III, St Antony's, and O J Ready, Wolfson, to list of those nominating Simon Armitage for the Professorship of Poetry
  • Deleted D Norbrook, Balliol, Magdalen, from list of those nominating Wole Soyinka for the Professorship of Poetry
  • Amended A K Hawkins, St Anne's, to S G Hawkins, St Anne's, in list of those nominating Wole Soyinka for the Professorship of Poetry

Corrections to Gazette no 5096, 14 May 2015

  • Moved M R Gifford, Trinity, and H Asari, Trinity, from list of those nominating Seán Haldane for the Professorship of Poetry to list of those nominating Simon Armitage
  • Added B W Martin, Hertford, and D Obbink, Christ Church, to list of those nominating A E Stallings's for the Professorship of Poetry
  • Removed L Pratt, Linacre, from list of those nominating Simon Armitage for the Professorship of Poetry
  • Added H M Jones III, St Antony's, and O J Ready, Wolfson, to list of those nominating Simon Armitage for the Professorship of Poetry
  • Deleted D Norbrook, Balliol, Magdalen, from list of those nominating Wole Soyinka for the Professorship of Poetry
  • Amended A K Hawkins, St Anne's, to S G Hawkins, St Anne's, in list of those nominating Wole Soyinka for the Professorship of Poetry

Corrections to Gazette no 5093, 23 April 2015

  • Corrected table showing tax bands and rates in Regulations for College Contributions to show change from £3m bands to £9m bands
  • Amended time of a viva
  • Corrected name of one of G Flood's nominators to the Board of the Faculty of Theology and Religion
  • Corrected names of two of those nominating Ian Gregson for the Professorship of Poetry

Corrections to Gazette no 5088, 26 February 2015

  • Corrected spelling of François Caron's name in list of MPLS appointments
  • Amended date of a viva to 12 February [NB this means that the exam was publicised after it took place, instead of before]
  • Amended title of a viva

Correction to Gazette no 5086, 12 February 2015

  • Amended date of a viva

Correction to Bodleian Libraries Annual Review 2013–14 (Supplement (1) to Gazette no 5084, 4 February 2015)

  • Various corrections to text, including deletion of two erroneously included entries in list of peer-reviewed articles co-authored by Bodleian Libraries staff

Corrections to Gazette no 5082, 15 January 2015

  • Amended subject of Peter Beaconsfield Prize to Physiological Sciences
  • Amended date and time of a viva

Correction to Gazette no 5080, 4 December 2014

  • Added Christopher Winearls to list of those awarded the title of Associate Professor by the Medical Sciences Division

Correction to Gazette no 5079, 27 November 2014

  • Corrected end date of visiting professorships for Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman and Professor Eldar Shafir

Corrections to Gazette no 5076, 6 November 2014

  • Amended affiliation of Pleasure in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages classes on 13 and 27 November
  • Changed location of Foundation for Law, Justice and Society workshop on 28 November to Wolfson

Correction to Gazette no 5074, 23 October 2014

  • Amended errors in name of external examiner and title of a DPhil viva

Correction to Gazette no 5073, 16 October 2014

  • Inserted notice of an election to a vacancy on the Board of the Faculty of History (inserted into the PDF and the web listing)

Corrections to Gazette no 5072, 9 October 2014

  • Amended various listings in the Michaelmas term lecture and seminar supplement to reflect changes in arrangements
  • Corrected listing for Queen's choral concert event on 29 November

List of amendments made to the content of online Gazette during the academic year 2013–14

Correction to Gazette no 5069, 24 July 2014

  • Corrected reference to Council Regulations 2 of 2003 (concerning the Botanic Garden) to Council Regulations 3 of 2003

Correction to Gazette nos 5066, 26 June 2014, and 5067, 3 July 2014

  • Corrected deadline for postal ballot requests re nomination of external member of Council to Friday, 25 July

Corrections to Gazette no 5066, 26 June 2014:

  • Corrected date of Congregation meeting in Encaenia supplement
  • Corrected spelling of Lillian Martin's name in Encaenia supplement
  • Corrected Carol Harrison's status at Christ Church from student to canon

Correction to Gazette no 5065, 19 June 2014:

  • Amended notice of Marilyn Booth's appointment to the Khalid bin Abdullah Al Saud Professorship for the Study of the Contemporary Arab World to note that this takes effect upon the incumbent's retirement

Correction to Gazette no 5061, 22 May 2014:

  • Replaced incorrect nominee for election to Board of the Faculty of English Language and Literature with Michele Mendelssohn

Correction to Gazette no 5058, 1 May 2014:

  • Inserted Congregation section re 12 June elections

Corrections to Gazette nos 5054, 13 March 2014, 5055, 20 March 2014, 5056, 27 March 2014, and 5057, 24 April 2014:

  • Corrected name and title of incumbent on SRIRC to Mr B Caldecott
  • Corrected name of secretary to SRIRC to Nigel Berry
  • Corrected listing for Plant Sciences representative on MPLS Board to show post currently vacant

Corrections to Gazette no 5055, 20 March 2014:

  • Corrected Alison Reid's postnominal to ACA
  • Corrected Pak Leng Cheong's entry in Register of Congregation
  • Amended Humanities Divisional Board vacancies to show vacancy for a member of the Faculty of Theology and Religion rather than Classics

Corrections to Gazette no 5051, 20 February 2014:

  • Amended fellowship affiliations of Lionel Tarassenko from FIEE, FMedSci, FRAE, FRS to CEng, FIET, FMedSci, FREng
  • Inserted David Owen Norris's name and subject of lecture to SSH event on 4 March

Corrections to Gazette no 5049, 6 February 2014:

  • Changed Richard Salter's title to Mr
  • Changed Mrs Hugh-Jones's name to Jill in her obituary

Correction to Gazette no 5044, 5 December 2013:

  • Changed Calum Miller's title to Mr

Correction to Gazette no 5041, 14 November 2013:

  • Removed obituary notice from Magdalen's list for Martin Sinclair Hood

Correction to Gazette no 5040, 7 November 2013:

  • Corrected first degree and contract end date for Social Sciences appointee Dr Rodrigo Momberg Uribe

Corrections to Gazette no 5039, 31 October 2013:

  • Corrected abbreviation of Master of Mathematics degree to 'MMath' in notice about academic dress
  • Updated start time of a DPhil viva to 1pm

Correction to Gazette no 5037, 17 October 2013:

  • Spelling of Dwayne R Menezes corrected in lecture notice for Department of International Development, 14 November

Correction to Gazette no 5036, 10 October 2013:

  • Eglesfield Musical Society Recitals updated for 9 and 16 November performances

Correction to Gazette no 5035, 3 October 2013:

  • Spelling of Alfonso Castrejon-Pita corrected in 7 October Congregation (Degrees by Resolution) and Register of Congregation

Correction to Gazette no 5051, 20 February 2014:

  • Updated date and time of a DPhil viva to 2 April at 2.30pm

Correction to Gazette no 5053, 6 March 2014:

  • Changed a DPhil viva notice from Division of Social Sciences to Division of Humanities

List of amendments made to the content of online Gazette during the academic year 2012–13

Correction to Gazette nos 5032, 4 July 2013, and 5033, 18 July 2013:

  • Spelling of Mikolaj Stanislaw Kunicki corrected

Correction to Gazette no 5032, 4 July 2013:

  • Date of a viva voce examination amended

Corrections to Gazette no 5028, 6 June 2013:

  • Spelling of Université Laval corrected in notice of appointment to the Wood Professorship of Forest Science
  • Time of a viva voce examination amended

Corrections to Gazette nos 5027, 30 May 2013, 5028, 6 June 2013, and 5029, 13 June 2013:

  • Contact email address in advertisement for participants in a Teenage Social Cognition Study amended

Correction to Gazette no 5027, 30 May 2013:

  • Location of a viva voce examination amended

Corrections to Gazette no 5026, 23 May 2013:

  • Change to title granted to S Mavroeidis under the Recognition of Distinction scheme, to Professor of Macroeconometrics
  • Examination Regulation changes relating to the MPhil in Archaeology and MSt in Archaeology marked as retracted following request by Social Sciences Divisional Board

Correction to Gazette no 5025, 16 May 2013:

  • Change to closing date for Junior Dean position at Oriel

Corrections to Gazette no 5022, 25 April 2013:

  • Change to Examination Regulations re MSc in Musculoskeletal Sciences amended to reflect that it also applies to the PG Dip
  • Closing date amended for University Lecturership (CUF) and Tutorial Fellowship in Law at Balliol vacancy notice
  • Inserted notice re deadline for members of Congregation to raise objections to the legislative proposal at the 14 May Congregation meeting, which had been accidentally omitted

Correction to Gazette no 5021, 18 April 2013:

  • Struck through the entry for Erik Vickstrom in the Nuffield elections subsection of Colleges, Halls and Societies as the election has been declined

Correction to Gazette nos 5000, 4 October 2012; 5010, 10 January 2013; and 5019, 14 March 2013:

  • Erroneous reference in Congregation meeting cancellation notices to 'Statute VI' corrected to 'Statute IV'

Correction to Gazette no 5018, 7 March 2013:

  • Moved viva notices from 'Master of Letters' to 'Doctor of Philosophy' subsection of 'Examinations and Boards'

Correction to Gazette no 5012, 24 January 2013:

  • Updated St Anne's musical event on 8 March to show Laura Virtanen will perform instead of Laura Lucas

Correction to Gazette no 5011, 17 January 2013:

  • Recognition of Distinction notice relating to Professor J-P Platteau corrected to give his department as International Development

Correction to Gazette no 5009, 6 December 2012:

  • Viva notice corrected to give candidate's college as Magdalen

Corrections to Gazette no 5007, 22 November 2012:

  • Time of a viva corrected to 10 am
  • Location of a viva corrected to 'Oxford University Language Centre'

Correction to Gazette no 5006, 15 November 2012:

  • Time of a viva corrected to 2.15 pm

Correction to Gazette no 5004, 1 November 2012:

  • Deleted appointment notice relating to Catherine Brown, appointed as Humanities Divisional Secretary, as she did not take up the appointment

Correction to Gazette no 5003, 25 October 2012:

  • Amendment to closing date and date of effect for Luisa Aldobrandini Scholarship, St John's College, Cambridge, from 2013 to 2014

Correction to Gazette no 5001, 11 October 2012:

  • Footnote in notice for Congregation of 13 November amended to 'The transcript and recording may be edited for legal reasons.'

Amendment to Gazette no 5000, 4 October 2012:

  • Replaced change to examination regulations for MSc in Education with revised version of change

Correction to Gazette no 4999, 27 September 2012:

  • Notice of a viva voce examination moved from 'Examinations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy' section to 'Examinations for the Degree of Master of Science' section

List of amendments made to the content of online Gazette: academic year 2011–12

Correction to Gazette nos 4964, 6 October 2011; 4967, 27 October 2011; 4969, 10 November 2011; 4973, 8 December 2011; 4974, 12 January 2012; 4977, 2 February 2012; 4985, 19 April 2012; 4988, 10 May 2012; and 4992, 7 June 2012

  • Erroneous reference in Congregation meeting cancellation notices to 'Statute VI' corrected to 'Statute IV'

Correction to Gazette no 4997, 19 July 2012:

  • Amended notice about appointment of Joshua Hordern to the Humanities Division to correct the awarding university for his doctorate to Edinburgh

Corrections to Gazette no 4993, 14 June 2012:

  • Corrected number of lapsed vacancies in 'Elections' section for the Humanities Divisional Board from 5 to 4, and removed the Faculty of Theology from the list of faculties which did not elect a representative on the Board as an uncontested election result for this vacancy was published in the Gazette of 24 May
  • Uploaded corrected version of Examination Regulation change regarding Special Subjects in the Honour School of Modern Languages and Related Joint Honour Schools (corrigendum notice published in No 5003, 25 October 2012)

Corrections to Gazette no 4991, 31 May 2012:

  • Amendment to date of Congregation meeting originally dated 16 June to the correct date of 4 June (available online to members of the University only as the resolution pertains to a degree by resolution)
  • Amendment to announcement of appointment of new Professor of Education in 'Notices' section to correct his current job title to 'Professor of Education, University of Warwick' from 'Associate Professor (Reader) in Quantitative Research Methods, University of Warwick'

Correction to Gazette no 4990, 24 May 2012:

  • Amendment to notice about appointment of Richard McManus to the Professorship of Primary Care Health Sciences to correct the title of the professorship from 'Professorship of Primary Health Care Sciences'

Correction to Gazette no 4985, 19 April 2012:

Correction to Gazette no 4983, 15 March 2012:

  • Amendment to 'Recognition of Distinction' subsection of 'Notices' section to move S Hay's entry from Medical Sciences to Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences.

Corrections to Gazette no 4982, 8 March 2012:

  • Amendment to 'Notices' section regarding the composition of the electoral board for the Chichele Professorship of Public International Law: Professor Sir John Vickers is listed incorrectly; he should be listed under Dr Mapstone as 'The Warden of All Souls' and in the 'Appointed by' column as 'ex officio'
  • Amendment to 'Elections' section relating to vacancies on the Social Sciences Divisional Board, changing from three people elected by and from members of '(i) the Faculty of Law; (ii) the Department of Politics and International Relations; and (iii) the Saïd Business School' to three people elected by and from members of '(i) the Department of Economics; (ii) the Department of Education; and (iii) the School of Geography and the Environment'
  • Amendment to 'Elections' section to give the correct contact details for the Secretary to the Visitors of the Botanic Garden

Correction to Gazette no 4980, 23 February 2012:

  • Notice added to 'Lectures' section regarding the cancellation of a seminar at St Antony's on 1 March.

Corrections to Gazette no 4979, 16 February 2012:

  • Notice in 'Lectures' section regarding a colloquium on the Bicentenary of the Spanish 1812 Constitution has been moved from Colleges, Halls and Societies/Lady Margaret Hall to Humanities/Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages/Sub-faculty of Spanish
  • Notice in 'Lectures' section regarding a seminar at St Antony's on 1 March crossed through as this has been cancelled.

Correction to Supplement (1) to Gazette no 4977, 2 February 2012:

  • Corrected the entry for and placement of 'C J R C Newton, St John’s' in the Register of Congregation

Correction to Gazettes nos 4975, 19 January 2012, and 4976, 26 January 2012:

  • Addition to 'Congregation' section regarding the nomination of Charles Taylor as an honorand at Encaenia, to reflect the fact that he is an Honorary Fellow of Balliol and Blackfriars

Corrections to Gazette no 4966, 20 October 2011:

  • Notice in 'Elections' section corrected to show actual closing date for nominations as 4 pm on 27 October (instead of 24 October)
  • Gutiérrez Toscano Prize in Applied Statistics notice in 'Graduate Awards and Prizes' section corrected to appear under Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences (rather than Social Sciences)
  • Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies lecture on 14 November amended to reflect the revised schedule featuring Dr Yu-Shuang Yao instead of Charles Allen

Correction to Gazettes nos 4964, 6 October 2011, and 4965, 13 October 2011:

  • Entry in 'Elections - Faculty Boards' section which relates to a vacancy on the Board of the Faculty of English Language and Literature changed to show the current board member as Dr K E Shepherd-Barr, St Catherine's, instead of Professor R A McCabe, Merton

Correction to Gazette no 4963, 29 September 2011:

  • Entry in the 'Notices - Electoral Boards' section changed to correct the name of the chair being elected by the Board to Herbert Smith Professorship of English Private Law (instead of Rhodes Professorship of the Laws of the British Commonwealth and the United States)

List of amendments made to the content of online Gazette: academic year 2010–11

Correction to Gazette nos 4932, 28 October 2010; 4938, 9 December 2010; 4944, 17 February 2011; and 4957,  16 June 2011

  • Erroneous reference in Congregation meeting cancellation notices to 'Statute VI' corrected to 'Statute IV'

Correction to Gazette nos 4954, 26 May 2011, and 4955, 2 June 2011:

  • Entry in the 'Elections' section relating to the Board of the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics corrected from 'M.C.J. Maiden, Hertford' to 'M.D. Maiden, Trinity'.

Correction to Gazette no 4956, 9 June 2011:

  • Entry in the 'Appointments' section of 'Notices' regarding the conferment of the Headship of the Sub-department of Particle Physics upon Neville Harnew has been corrected to show a start date of 1 July 2011 (changed from 1 July 2007).

Corrections to Gazette no 4948, 17 March 2011:

  • Entry for the appointment of Professor O'Rourke to the Chichele Professorship of Economic History amended to show that he is the Professor of Economic History-elect until autumn 2011 and takes up his fellowship of All Souls from 1 October 2011.
  • Additional content added to 'Council' section to direct readers seeking the Examination Regulations change re Home/EU undergraduate fees from 2012/13 to the 'Examinations and Boards' section.
  • Amendment to notice about additional degree days in 'Notices' section to change URL given for full list of degree days to (instead of now superseded Gazette subsite)

Corrections to Gazette nos 4950, 28 April 2011; 4951, 5 May 2011; 4952, 12 May 2011; and 4953, 19 May 2011:

  • Number of vacancies listed in the 'Elections' section for Visitors of the Ashmolean Museum corrected to one vacancy (from two vacancies).

Correction to Gazette no 4941, 27 January 2011:

  • A contact address for queries ( has been added to the end of the list of vacancies on Conference of Colleges and University committees, and the content itself has been moved to the 'Colleges, Halls and Societies' section.

Corrections to Gazette no 4940, 20 January 2011:

  • Amended contents of a table in 'Council and Main Committees' section with regard to the calculation of college contributions in 2011/12 from:
On the first £35m of taxable assets NIL
On the next £3m 0.10 per cent
On the next £3m 0.20 per cent
On the next £3m 0.30 per cent
On taxable assets over £39m 0.36 per cent


On the first £30m£35m of taxable assets NIL
On the next £3m 0.10 per cent
On the next £3m 0.20 per cent
On the next £3m 0.30 per cent
On taxable assets over £39m£44m 0.36 per cent
  • Amended 'Lectures' section to show the cancellation of the planned Mathematical Geoscience Seminar on 11 March.

Correction to Supplement (1) to Gazette no 4938, 12 January 2011:

  • The Gareth Evans Memorial Lecture listed on page 304 should appear in Humanities under Philosophy, and not in the Social Sciences section. Additionally, the date was incorrectly listed as 18 January; it should have been listed as 25 January. The title has now been confirmed as 'Mental Files and Identity'.

Correction to Gazette no 4936, 25 November 2010:

  • Date of ceremony for  conferment of the Degree of Master of Arts, honoris causa, upon Lady Nancy Caroline Gayley Kenny, should the resolution be approved, amended to 5 March 2011 (from 2010).

Correction to Gazette no 4933, 4 November 2010:

  • Names in Elections section amended to (alphabetically): R.A. Dwek; K.A. Nasmyth; B.J. Rogers.

Corrections to Gazette no 4932, 28 October 2010:

  • Title of Cécile Fabre's post corrected to Professor of Political Philosophy in 'Recognition of Distinction' subsection of the 'Notices' section.
  • Spelling of Ervin Fodor's name corrected and date of reappointment amended to 1 October 2010 in 'Appointments' subsection of the 'Notices' section.

Corrections to Gazette no 4929, 7 October 2010:

  • Link to University's code of practice on equality and valuing diversity added to 'University of Oxford' subsection of the 'Notifications of Vacancies' section.
  • Note on procedures in Congregation amended to include the name and telephone number of the Elections Officer, Ms S.L. Stacey, as point of enquiry for all Election queries.
  • Marked Queen's lunchtime recital of 20 November as cancelled.

Corrections to Gazette no 4928, 30 September 2010:

  • Link to University's code of practice on equality and valuing diversity added to 'University of Oxford' subsection of the 'Notifications of Vacancies' section.
  • Note on procedures in Congregation amended to include the name and telephone number of the Elections Officer, Ms S.L. Stacey, as point of enquiry for all Election queries.

Corrections to Gazette no 4927, 23 September 2010:

  • Section 'Council and Main Committees' renamed from 'Council and Major Committees' to reflect University legislation.
  • Dr Sally L Mapstone was accidentally omitted from the list of Pro-Vice-Chancellors to be admitted at Congregation on 5 October; her name has now been added to the list.
  • Note on procedures in Congregation amended to include the name and telephone number of the Elections Officer, Ms S.L. Stacey, as point of enquiry for all Election queries.