Submitting items for publication
How to submit items for publication in the Gazette

The Gazette publishes a variety of notices submitted by and on behalf of the collegiate University, some of which are official notices and some unofficial. If you have a notice you would like us to publish, please see below for details of how and when to send us your notice and the style and format to use.
At the bottom of the page is a list of types of notice that we publish, and some suggested alternative publication options for those we are unable to accept.
How and where to send items
We prefer to receive items for publication in the Gazette by email ( Please ensure you send submissions in a format from which we can copy the text, either in the body of the email or as an attachment – preferably a Word document. This saves time and prevents transcription errors, and are preferable to PDFs and scanned images.
Hard copy
We can no longer accept hard copy notices, as the Gazette team is not working in the office. If you only have a notice in hard copy, please scan and email it to Emailed submissions will always be acknowledged.
Deadline for submissions
Publication dates
The Gazette is published online on Thursdays each week in term time (see Publication dates for the dates of this year's issues).
We publish from -2nd week (000th week) to 9th week in Michaelmas term, from 0th week to 10th week in Hilary term and from 0th week to 13th week in Trinity term. However, the first issue in Michaelmas term and the final issue in Hilary term are restricted to Council/Congregation business and changes to Examination Regulations, and there is no issue in 12th week of Trinity term.
Submission deadlines
We will publish any notices we receive in the next available issue. For notices that must be published in a particular issue, the deadline is noon on Wednesday of the week before publication (ie eight days before publication). Please note that notices of viva voce examinations must be published in an issue of the Gazette dated at least one day before the date of the examination, in order to comply with regulations. This means that if the exam is on a Thursday we need to publish the notice in the issue of the previous week.
Publication dates for notices
As a general rule, we will publish items in the next issue of the Gazette for which the deadline has not yet passed. We will always try to include urgent (time-critical) or important items that arrive after the deadline if we have the space and time. However, we cannot always accommodate late items. We will also occasionally need to delay publication of a non-urgent item.
Changes to publication dates/submission deadlines
Occasionally there is a change to the deadline or date of publication, usually due to a bank holiday. If so, a notice will be published in the 'General Notices' section of the Gazette.
Items of content published by the Gazette
Below is an alphabetical listing of the types of content we publish in the Gazette, with links to information on how to submit items. There are also notes on items which are not published in the Gazette.
Items published in the Gazette are formatted according to our house style; many of these are in a shortened format with a link to a website for full information.
Please send items formatted according to our style – the formats are detailed below.
Format for submissions
Please style these announcements as follows, noting the style of degrees in particular (for further information on how to style postnominals, see the Calendar Style Guide pp2–6). If you are sending us details of more than one person in the same category (eg multiple appointees or multiple visiting professors) please list them in alphabetical order by department, or seniority by position, and then by surname.
Please note that notices in the Gazette do not list fellowships of learned societies (eg FBA, FRS) or memberships of professional bodies.
Professorship of History
John Brown, MA Oxf, PhD Camb, Professor of History, Cambridge, has been appointed to the Professorship of History in the Faculty of History with effect from 1 January 2015. Professor Brown will be a fellow of Lady Margaret Hall.
Graduate awards and prizes
Please note that:
- the Gazette only publishes details of awards/prizes given to postgraduate students, not undergraduates
- details of prizewinning students are published in the version accessible only to University members (which requires a single sign-on account to read) and not in the publicly accessible version.
Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
Department of Computer Science
Tyrell Corporation Travelling Scholarship
The 2012 Tyrell Corporation Travelling Scholarship, for the purpose of conducting research in artificial intelligence, has been awarded to John Brown, Corpus Christi. Proxime accessit: Sarah Gray, St Anne's.
Notifications of prizes, grants and funding offered
We publish these notices in a very shortened format, to note that the funding/prize exists and to provide a link to a website or an email address where full information can be found.
Please list: the name of the body offering the prize or funding; the name of the prize/grant/funding award; brief entry requirements/conditions; brief eligibility criteria; amount offered; closing date for applications; link to website and/or email address where further details can be obtained.
Clare College, Cambridge; William Senior Studentship in Comparative Law or Legal History; up to 3 years' approved university and college fees and maintenance for a student in receipt of no other grant; 30 March;
Bodleian Libraries; Gordon Duff Prize; for an unpublished essay on any of the following subjects: bibliography, palaeography, typography, book-binding, book illustration, the science of books and manuscripts, and the arts relating thereto; open to all members of the University; £500; topics must be submitted by 6 May and complete essays received by 5 August;
Notices calling for papers are only published for conferences etc organised by the collegiate University. Please format them following the example below, ensuring that you include a website address for full information on submitting abstracts etc:
Institute of Population Ageing
An Emerging Researchers Conference will take place 26–28 September to mark the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the institute. Deadline for abstracts: 24 March. Deadline for registration: 31 March. More information:
Subject: 'Demography, ageing and health'
If you want to advertise something on behalf of a department or college (eg seeking research study participants, letting a college-owned house, advertising an event) there is no charge for an advertisement of up to 70 words. We will include it in one issue per term, if it's a recurring event/notice, or three issues in any one term for a one-off notice; if you need it to be run more often than that, you will need to pay for additional insertions.
If you are advertising something on your own or someone else's behalf, a charge will be made; see the Classified Advertising page for details.
Please send lists separated into type of fellowship and then in alphabetical order by surname, as below (don't worry about the bold/italic/indents – this is just for illustrative purposes). If you would like to include subject information as well, please do (but it's not essential).
Professorial Fellowships
Charlotte Brontë, BA York, 19th-century English Literature
Emily Brontë, BA Sheff
Honorary Fellowships
Charles Dickens, BA UCL
Laurence Sterne, MA Oxf
Non-stipendiary Research Fellowships
Jane Austen, BA Bath, English Literature
Miguel de Cervantes, PhD Madrid, Golden-Age Spanish Literature
Friedrich Schiller, Diplom Goethe Frankfurt
Please style announcements of appointments, Visiting Professorships and Recognition of Distinction as follows, noting the style of degrees. If you are sending us details of more than one person in the same category (eg multiple appointees or multiple visiting professors) please list them in alphabetical order by department, or seniority by position, and then by surname.
Please note that notices in the Gazette do not list fellowships of learned societies (eg FBA, FRS) or memberships of professional bodies.
Appointments/reappointments/conferments of title
Jenkins Professorship of Chinese
Roberta Flack, PhD Camb, Professor of Chinese History, Brunel University, has been appointed to the Jenkins Professorship of Chinese in the Faculty of Oriental Studies with effect from 1 January 2015. Professor Flack will be a fellow of Lady Margaret Hall.
Visiting Professorships
Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
The Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board has reconferred the title of Visiting Professor in Engineering Science upon Samuel Adams, MA Oxf, PhD Camb, Professor of Engineering, University of Greenwich, for a period of 3 years from 1 January 2015.
The Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board has conferred the title of Visiting Professor in Physics upon Thérèse Raquin, BSc Plym, DPhil Oxf, Professor of Physics, Plymouth University, for a period of 3 years from 1 January 2015.
Recognition of Distinction
Medical Sciences
The following title has been conferred on behalf of the Recognition of Distinction Committee:
Moore, P, BSc Leeds, PhD Lond, Student of Christ Church; Professor of Geography with effect from 1 September 2012
There are so many courses offered across the University that we can't publish details of all of them. If your course falls under one of the top two categories below, please email with the details to discuss your options with us:
1. Courses relevant to a large section of the University community (eg training for admissions interviewing): we publish full notices in the main Gazette
2. Courses of interest to the wider University community: we offer a free classified advertisement.
3. Courses of limited interest to anyone other than professionals in the field: we regret that we can't advertise these in the Gazette.
See the Examinations Regulations webpage for instructions on how to submit Exam Regulation changes.
Please provide: the title of the exhibition; whose work it is (if appropriate); the opening times, dates and location of the exhibition; the cost (if any) of entry; and contact details where further information can be obtained. Please style the notice as in the following examples, noting how to write months and times in particular.
'Photographs from Birmingham' by John Leslie, 5–7pm daily, 6–24 February at Wolfson. Visitors are asked to ring the lodge beforehand (Oxford 274100).
Bodleian Libraries
28 Jan–13 May: The romance of the middle ages
7–29 Jan: Ragtime to riches, a musical legacy at the Bodleian Library
3 Feb–4 Mar: 36 Kasen: the thirty-six immortals of Japanese poetry
10 Mar–8 Apr: Haydn à l'anglaise: his songs in late-18th-century England
1 Mar, 10am–4pm, Divinity School: Jane Austen: a literary genius at work
Notifications of prizes, grants and funding offered
We publish these notices in a very shortened format, to note that the funding/prize exists and to provide a link to a website or an email address where full information can be found.
Please list: the name of the body offering the prize or funding; the name of the prize/grant/funding award; brief entry requirements/conditions; brief eligibility criteria; amount offered; closing date for applications; link to website and/or email address where further details can be obtained.
Clare College, Cambridge; William Senior Studentship in Comparative Law or Legal History; up to 3 years' approved university and college fees and maintenance for a student in receipt of no other grant; 30 March;
Bodleian Libraries; Gordon Duff Prize; for an unpublished essay on any of the following subjects: bibliography, palaeography, typography, book-binding, book illustration, the science of books and manuscripts, and the arts relating thereto; open to all members of the University; £500; topics must be submitted by 6 May and complete essays received by 5 August;
Notices of higher degrees are sent to us by the Research Degrees team.
Please see the webpage relating to Lecture and Seminar formats for full for instructions and examples of how to submit these.
Please note that the bulk of these announcements is published in a supplement in 0th week each term; the deadline for submissions to the supplement is noon on Wednesday of the week before publication (see Publication dates), although we will try to accommodate late-arriving submissions.
We strongly recommend that these announcements are published in the supplement if at all possible, even if not all the information about them is quite ready, as people use the supplement to plan their attendances for the term.
We continue to publish lecture notices throughout term for any events arranged too late for inclusion in the supplement, or for updated information on events which were included in the supplement (changed or newly announced time/venue/date/speaker/title); please email these to us, formatted as above, and we will publish them in the earliest possible issue of the Gazette.
For details on how to submit an announcement calling for papers, see the 'Call for papers' section above.
Please format notices for musical events following the below examples as closely as possible, adding any further information as necessary. If there is a lot more information you want to give people, please provide a website or email address for anyone interested to obtain the rest of the information. These examples show the format for both a series of musical events and a single event:
Harris Manchester
Thursday lunchtime recital series
The following events will take place at 1.30pm at Harris Manchester. Admission free, with retiring collection. More information, and to book:
1 May: Fiona Bruce, traditional music
8 May: Moira Stuart, organ
15 May: Trevor Macdonald, organ
22 May: Jon Snow, organ
29 May: Krishnan Guru-Murthy, baritone
St John's
Organ Recital
Phillip Schofield will perform works by Bach at 5.30pm on 2 June in St John's chapel. Free admission; tickets/programmes available from main lodge one week before the performance.
For former students, please provide: the full name of the deceased person (including any other names by which they were known), the date of their death, any scholarships etc they held, the date of their matriculation and their age when they died. If any of this information is unknown, just omit it.
For fellows/emeritus fellows, please also provide details of the posts they held with dates (and details of the colleges at which these posts were held, if different).
If providing a list of obituaries, please order them alphabetically by surname.
Felicity Fiona Frank (née Filton), 12 December 2011; Exhibitioner 1928. Aged 101.
Pauline Patricia Proust, 1 January 2012; Lecturer, Merton 1998–2001; Fellow 2001–8, Emeritus Fellow 2008–12, New College. Aged 63.
Obituary notices are sent to us by colleges; please contact the college to which the deceased person was linked for queries about individual obituaries.
Please style Recognition of Distinction announcements as follows, noting the style of degrees. If you are sending us details of more than one person in the same category (eg multiple appointees or multiple visiting professors) please list them in alphabetical order by department, or seniority by position, and then by surname.
Please note that notices in the Gazette do not list fellowships of learned societies (eg FBA, FRS) or memberships of professional bodies.
Medical Sciences
The following title has been conferred on behalf of the Recognition of Distinction Committee:
Moore, P, BSc Leeds, PhD Lond, Student of Christ Church, Professor of Geography with effect from 1 September 2012.
We publish vacancy notices in a very shortened format, to note that the opening exists and to provide a link to a website or an email address where full information can be found.
Please list: the name of institution where the vacancy exists; job title; salary (or that the post is non-stipendiary); closing date for applications; link to website or email address where further details can be obtained. If the salary is sensitive or open to negotiation, this can be omitted. We will also include notices from employment agencies acting on behalf of a college, as long as the college is the employer.
Department of Zoology; Professorship of Zoology; 12 March;
Exeter; College Librarian; £36,715–£43,840; noon, 24 February;
Please style these announcements as follows, noting the style of degrees. If you are sending us details of more than one person in the same category (eg multiple appointees or multiple visiting professors) please list them in alphabetical order by department, or seniority by position, and then by surname.
Please note that notices in the Gazette do not list fellowships of learned societies (eg FBA, FRS) or memberships of professional bodies.
Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
The Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board has reconferred the title of Visiting Professor in Engineering Science upon Samuel Adams, MA Oxf, PhD Camb, Professor of Engineering, University of Greenwich, for a period of 3 years from 1 January 2015.
The Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board has conferred the title of Visiting Professor in Physics upon Thérèse Raquin, BSc Plym, DPhil Oxf, Professor of Physics, Plymouth University, for a period of 3 years from 1 January 2015.
Please note that viva notices must be published in the Gazette dated at least one day before the date of the exam itself; an exam on 21 January 2021 can be published at the latest in the issue of 14 January 2021, for instance. If there is no Gazette before the date of the exam, either during the vacations or because it was arranged too late to be included in the previous week's issue, the alternative method of publication will need to be used. We will always let you know if this is necessary when we receive notice of the viva.
Please email the viva notice to You can scan the GSO.9 form or send us the information in the body of an email (this is our preferred method). Please provide: the type of examination (eg DPhil, MSc); the division; the candidate's name, college and thesis title; the date and time of the exam and either the location or that the exam is online; and the names of the examiners. A Word version of the GSO.9 form is available from the Research Degrees team (, and this is preferred as they will complete most of the details for you. In an absolute emergency situation, a blank form can be downloaded.
B'Elanna Torres, Magdalen: 'The importance of vowels in modern Klingon'
Examination Schools, 10 June, 9am
Examiners: R Smith, A Mills