Lecture and seminar formats for Gazette publication

The Gazette publishes a Lectures Supplement with the 0th week issue each term in which we aim to include all lectures and seminars for the term. Please note: if you are not able to get lecture notices to us in time for the supplement, we will publish the information in the next available issue of the Gazette.
How to send us information about lectures/seminars
Please email your listings as text in the body of an email or as a Word document to gazette@admin.ox.ac.uk as soon as you have them confirmed. Because we receive so many listings for the supplement we don’t have time to retype notices, so we can’t accept listings supplied in PDF or image formats. Please also avoid tables and text boxes.
We also ask that notices are formatted as close to our house style as possible, again because of our limited time; we understand, however, that sometimes your events will not fit neatly into one of our examples. In this case please just follow the most similar style.
Style: general notes
Speakers’ titles and affiliations
- Dr/Professor: don’t use a full-stop after ‘Dr’, and write ‘Professor’ out in full
- If a speaker is based at Oxford University or one of the colleges don’t give their affiliation (also omit their college/department)
- Give speakers’ affiliations without the word ‘University’ (eg ‘Professor John Smith, Cambridge’) and using any standard abbreviations (eg ‘UCL’)
- Do not use full stops after abbreviations or initials
- When giving times of events, use ‘am’ and ‘pm’ closed up to the number and without full stops (eg ‘9am’ or ‘4.30pm’)
- Months used in lists of events are abbreviated using three letters (eg ‘9 Oct’), but spelt out in full in single event listings (‘at 2pm on 9 October’)
- Don’t capitalise entire words or phrases
- In lecture titles capitalise the first word of the title and any proper nouns, not the whole title
Times, dates (or days) and locations
- Give event information in order of time >> date (or days) >> location (eg ‘The Smith lecture will take place at 9am on 14 January in the Examination Schools.’ or ‘The following lectures will take place at 4.30pm on Thursdays in the Lecture Theatre, Denys Wilkinson Building.’ or 'The following seminars will take place at 4pm on Wednesdays online via Zoom.'
- In a list of events, if most of them are in the same place at the same time on the same day, use ‘unless otherwise noted’ to denote the odd one/s out, and give the different information in the relevant listing (eg 'The following lectures will take place at 4.30pm on Thursdays in the Lecture Theatre, Denys Wilkinson Building, unless otherwise noted.')
- Do not use ‘nd’, ‘th’, etc after dates (eg ‘9 Oct’ NOT ‘9th Oct’)
- Always put the day before the month (eg ‘9 Oct’ NOT ‘Oct 9’)
- Give sufficient information about rooms and buildings as is required for people to find the event, or joining details for events held online
Lecture titles
- Enclose them using single quotation marks
- Only capitalise the first word and proper nouns
- Titles of books, plays etc within the lecture title should be italicised; quotations within the lecture title should be set in double quotation marks
Text formatting
- Don't worry about bold or italic styles
Further information
- Only list the event as an inaugural lecture if it is the official inaugural lecture of a new statutory professor
- If the event is online, you must include a URL or email address for people to find out more information about, or to register for, the event:
- More information: [give URL or email address here]
- Registration required: [give URL or email address here]
- More information and to register: [give URL or email address here]
- To join: [give URL or email address here]
- If the event is not online, you may include a URL or email address as above
Style: examples
Please follow the style in the examples below as closely as possible, adding any necessary additional information in brief form. Please pay particular attention to the punctuation, spacing and abbreviations.
Example of a single named lecture
Cyril Foster Lecture
Professor Harold James, Princeton, will give the Cyril Foster Lecture at 5pm on 4 November in the Examination Schools.
Subject: ‘International order after the financial crisis’
Example of an inaugural lecture
Waynflete Professor Inaugural Lecture
Professor Véronique Gouverneur will give the Waynflete Professor Inaugural Lecture at 5pm on 19 January in the Examination Schools. More information and to register: www.chem.ox.ac.uk.
Subject: ‘Rethinking fluorine chemistry with global challenges in mind’
Example of a lecture series given by one person
John Locke Lectures
Truth and content
Stephen Yablo, MIT, will give the John Locke Lectures at 5pm on the following days online via Zoom.
25 Apr: ‘Semantic excuses’
2 May: ‘The truth and something but the truth’
9 May: ‘Extrapolation and its limits’
Example of a lecture series by different speakers
History of Art departmental research seminars
The following seminars will take place at 4pm on Thursdays in the Lecture Theatre, History Faculty. Convener: Dr H Grootenboer
Dr Michael Squire, Cambridge
14 Oct: ‘Troy story: playing with Homer on the “Iliac tablets” ’
Dr Elisabeth Findlay
21 Oct: ‘Portraiture, fame and the Enlightenment: images of Sir Joseph Banks’
Professor Leonard Barkan, Princeton
4 Nov: ‘Michelangelo: a life on paper’
Example of a lecture series with a changed time/day/location
General Linguistics Seminars
The following seminars will take place at 5.15pm on Tuesdays in the Lecture Theatre, Clarendon Institute Building, unless otherwise noted.
Professor Judith Tonhauser, Berlin
Mon, 27 Apr: ‘ “She wasn’t stupid to buy that computer.” On the semantics and pragmatics of adjectives’
Dr Lior Laks, Bar-llan
5 May, Examination Schools: ‘The formation of morphological doublets in Hebrew’
Professor Bas Aarts, UCL
2pm, 12 May: ‘For–to constructions in English’
Example of a hybrid online/in-person lecture series
General Linguistics Seminars
The following seminars will take place at 5.15pm on Tuesdays online via Teams. Some will be broadcast from Lecture Room 4 and may be attended in person.
Professor Judith Tonhauser, Berlin
Mon, 27 Apr: ‘ “She wasn’t stupid to buy that computer.” On the semantics and pragmatics of adjectives’
Dr Lior Laks, Bar-llan
5 May, Lecture Room 4: ‘The formation of morphological doublets in Hebrew’
Professor Bas Aarts, UCL
2pm, 12 May: ‘For–to constructions in English’
Example of an event with multiple speakers
Clara Florio Cooper Memorial Lecture
Professor Laura Lepschy, UCL, Dr Helena Sanson, Cambridge, and Dr Emmanuela Tandello will give the Clara Florio Cooper Memorial Lecture at 5pm on 10 May in the Main Hall, Taylor Institution.
Subject: ‘On translation: Primo Levi into and out of English’
Example of conferences/workshops/study day over one or more days
McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics and Public Life
A conference will take place on 21 and 22 May at Christ Church. Speakers include: Nigel Biggar; Lord Brown, former Justice of the Supreme Court; Pierre Hazan, Geneva; Nicholas Mercer, Liberty Human Rights Lawyer of the Year 2011–12; John Milbank, Nottingham; Onora O'Neill, Chair, Equality and Human Rights Commission; Esther Reed, Exeter; Julian Rivers, Bristol, David Tombs, Otago; Tom Tugendhat, former Principal Adviser to the Chief of the Defence Staff; and Paul Yowell. Fee, including lunch: £60 (£30 students). Register online: www.mcdonaldcentre.org.uk. Convener: Professor Nigel Biggar
Subject: ‘What’s wrong with rights?’