Council & its committees 2021/22
All changes to legislation made by Council and its committees and published in the Gazette during the 2021/22 academic year.
- Access Fund Management Board, changes in regulations, p508
- Clubs Committee, p380
- Committees, changes in regulations
- College Contributions Fund: income grants, p220, p509
- Curators of the Sheldonian Theatre and Curators of the University Parks, p216
- Dates of Term
- Development and Alumni Relations, Committee, p140 (corrigendum: p148)
- Director of Finance, p456
- Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee, p380
- Council, nomination for external member (Sharmila Nebhrajani), p459
- Financial Regulations, update, p219
- Intellectual Property Policy, changes in regulations, p458
- Law, Faculty Board, p380
- Nominating Committee for the Vice-Chancellorship, p108
- Philosophy, Faculty Board, changes in regulations, p456
- Professor of Poetry, changes in regulations, p507
- Pro-Vice-Chancellor (People and Gardens, Libraries and Museums), p217
- Recognised Independent Centres, Joint Committee for, p380
- Ruskin School of Art, Committee, p108
- Safety, Health and Environment Management Subcommittee, p276
- Social Sciences Divisional Board, p217
- Aldrichian and Aldrichian–Tomlinsian Funds (updated references), p488
- Alexander Library in the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology (updated references), p488
- Edward Hall Professorship of Archaeological Science (updated wording & formalisation of trust), p148
- Dieter Schwarz Associate Professorship in Artificial Intelligence, Government & Policy Fund (establishment), p249
- Dieter Schwarz Associate Professorship in Artificial Intelligence and Work Fund (establishment), p249
- Beit Fund (addition of standard trust provisions & removal of some administrative provisions), p482
- Berrow Foundation Lord Florey Associate Professor Tutorial Fellow in Biochemistry Fund (establishment), p89
- Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity (updated references), p487
- Whitley Professor of Biochemistry (field name change to ‘Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry’, updated references, change to board, inclusion of research in duties & removal of requirement for the professor not to engage in private practice), p278
- Poonawalla Professor of Biotechnology Fund (establishment), p249
- Blackman Lecturership Fund (updated references), p488
- Borthwick-Norton Fund (updated references), p489
- Sherardian Professorship of Botany
- Kidani Professorship of Cancer Immuno-Therapeutics (establishment), p196
- Cancer Research Committee (updated references), p489
- Professorship of Computing (permanent name change to ‘Christopher Strachey Professor of Computing' & inclusion of research in duties), p84
- Robert Turner Professor of Diabetic Medicine (formalisation of the trust created by the receipt of the gift from Les Laboratoires Servier), p86
- Druce Bequest (updated references), p490
- Dunston Memorial Fund (updated references), p490
- ffennell Fund (establishment), p510
- Edward Grey Professor of Field Ornithology (updated references), p485
- Luc Hoffman Professor of Field Ornithology (updated references), p486
- Field Studies Book Prize (updated references), p490
- The Wood Professor of Forest Science (updated references), p487
- Dame Louise Richardson Professor in Global Security (establishment), p485 (corrigendum: p510)
- Jonathan Cooper Professorship of the History of Sexualities (establishment), p184
- Hosier Fund (updated references), p490
- Jenkinson Fund (updated references), p491
- John Oldacre Scholarships Fund (updated references), p491
- The June Ilott Fund (establishment), p483
- Moh Family Foundation Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology (formalisation of trust), p484
- Varley-Gradwell Travelling Fellowship in Insect Ecology (updated references), p492
- Pearson Professor of International Relations (updated wording & formalisation of trust), p196
- Tang Family Scholarship Fund for International Wildlife Conservation Practice (updated references), p492
- Associate Professor in Jewish History (formalisation of trust created by the receipt of the gift from Mr Henry Sacher and his family), p124
- Kirby Memorial Fund (updated references), p491
- Professorship of Linguistics (inclusion of research in duties), p125
- BT Professor of Major Programme Management (inclusion of research in duties), p85
- Mathematical Prizes Fund (addition of standard trust provisions & reflection of original objective), p483
- Wallis Professorship of Mathematics (inclusion of research in duties), p84
- Phillips Professor of Molecular Biophysics (updated electoral board membership & references, & inclusion of research in duties), p198
- Professorship of Molecular Immunology
- Phillips Scholarship Fund (establishment), p250
- White’s Professor of Moral Philosophy (formalisation of the trust created by the receipt of the gifts from Thomas White and the Sekyra Foundation), p85
- The Bern and Ronny Schwartz Curator of Photography (establishment), p88
- Reader in Plant Science (updated references), p486
- Plant Sciences General Purposes Fund (updated references), p489
- Drummond Professor of Political Economy (updated wording & formalisation of trust), p197
- Primary Care Research Trust Mercian Chair of Primary Care (establishment), p248
- Nuffield Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences (updated references), p278
- Professor of Psychology (changes to board, inclusion of research in duties & updated references), p412
- Radhakrishnan Memorial Bequest (updates to the board of management, wording & content of regulations), p87
- Robert and Valerie Appleby Research Scholarship Fund (updated references), p492
- Boden Professor of Sanskrit (inclusion of research in duties), p485
- Professorship of Statistical Science (updated wording), p248
- Professorship of Sustainable Energy Engineering (updated wording), p368
- Weldon Memorial Prize (updated references), p493
- Wildlife Conservation Research Fund (updated references), p493
- Hope Professor of Zoology (Entomology) (updated references), p486
- Linacre Professor of Zoology (updated references), p486
- Professor of Zoology (updated references), p486