Content by Subject 2024/25

Council & its committees

All changes to legislation made by Council and its committees and published in the Gazette during the 2024/25 academic year.

  • Council

    • Estate Investment Subgroup, p2
    • Planning and Resource Allocation Committee, p2
    • Property Management Subcommittee, p3
  • General Purposes Committee of Council

    • content to be added as it is published 


All resolutions, legislative proposals, changes to regulations and other business submitted to Congregation and Convocation and published in the Gazette during the 2024/25 academic year.

  • Resolutions

    • Graduate Application Fee Reinstatement (result of postal vote 26 Sep: p3) (corrigendum: p2)
    • Redundancy Panel under Statute XII (result of postal vote 26 Sep: p3)
    • Proposed amendments on Statute XI (announced 3 Oct: p15) (meeting arrangements 10 Oct: p35) (approved 17 Oct: p66)
  • Legislative Proposals

    • Statute XI: University Discipline and consequential amendments (announced 26 Sep: p3)
  • Other Congregation business

    • Admission of Clerks of the Market (announced 3 Oct: p2) (admitted 10 Oct: p34)
    • Admission of Pro-Vice-Chancellors (announced 3 Oct: p2) (admitted 10 Oct: p34)
    • Vice-Chancellor's Oration 2024 (announced 26 Sep: p5) (reported 10 Oct: p34) (published as supplement: p77)

Register of Congregation

The following is a list of all of the Gazette notices of staff added to the Register of Congregation during the 2024/25 academic year. They are listed in order of the issue in which their name appears. A full listing of the whole Register of Congregation (as it stands at a particular date) is published in Hilary term each year.

  • Revised Register of Congregation 2025

    • content to be added as it is published 
  • Michaelmas term

Degree by Resolution

The following is a list of all of the Gazette notices of staff awarded an MA by resolution during the 2024/25 academic year. They are listed by the date of the Gazette issue in which the resolution was announced. Single sign-on login is required to read these notices*:

  • Michaelmas term

    • 26 Sep, p5
    • 17 Oct, p66


The following is a list of elections held during the 2024/25 academic year as published in the Gazette. They are listed by category and then by notices of vacancies, nominations published and results. Further information about elections within the University of Oxford can be found on the Elections website.

  • Elections by Convocation

  • Elections by Congregation

    • Audit & Scrutiny Committee (vacancies announced: p39)
    • Delegacy for the Nomination of Candidates for Ecclesiastical Benefices (vacancies announced: p39)
    • Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers (vacancies announced: p40)
    • Statute XII Pool for Constituting Panels (vacancies announced: p40)
  • Divisional Board Elections

    • Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board (vacancies announced: p40)
  • Faculty Board Elections

    • Classics (vacancies announced: p41)
    • History (vacancy announced: p41)


Consultative and general notices published in the Gazette during the 2024/25 academic year

  • Consultative notices

    • Medical Sciences Division/Education Committee:
      • Review of the Radcliffe Department of Medicine, p9
    • Permanent Private Hall Supervisory Committee:
      • Review of Wycliffe Hall, p37
  • General notices

    • MSc in Clinical Embryology, p18
    • Internal Communications: Demystifying the University, p18 

Appointment-related notices

All notices relating to the appointment and recognition of distinction of staff and visiting professors at the University published in the Gazette during the 2024/25 academic year

  • Appointments and reappointments

    • Statutory Professorships and other senior positions

      • Camden Professorship of Ancient History (Valentina Arena), p18
      • Professorship of Materials Engineering (Clive Siviour), p18
      • Nuffield Professorship of Population Health (Prabhat Jha), p19
      • Professorship of Translational Cognitive Neuroscience (Ole Jensen), p19 
    • Other appointments, reappointments and conferments of title

      • Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences

      • Social Sciences

  • Visiting Professorships

    • Statutory Professorships

      content to be added as it is published  

    • Other visiting professorships

      • Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences

      • Medical Sciences

  • Recognition of Distinction

    • Successful candidates 2024, p20
  • Electoral Boards and Advisory Committees

    • Electoral Boards

      • Professorship of African Studies, p22
      • George Eastman Visiting Professorship, p22
      • Heather Professorship of Music, p22
      • Professorship of Transplantation, p22
      • Alfred Landecker Professor of Values and Public Policy, p22
    • Advisory Committees

      • content to be added as it is published 


All lecture notices published in the Gazette during the 2024/25 academic year

Events & exhibitions

All notices relating to musical and other events and exhibitions published in the Gazette during the 2024/25 academic year

  • University Preachers

    • Michaelmas term, p37 
  • Musical and other events

    • Merton (10 Oct, p37)
    • New College (10 Oct, p37)
    • St Hilda's (10 Oct, p38)
    • Trinity (3 Oct, p23)
  • Exhibitions

    • Balliol (3 Oct, p23)
    • Maison Française d’Oxford (3 Oct, p23)

Student-related notices

All notices relating to students published in the Gazette during the 2024/25 academic year

NB: Single sign-on login is required to read notices marked with an asterisk*:

* certain student-related content published in the Gazette can only be read online by current University staff or students, because it is covered by a prohibition on publishing outside the EU under data protection legislation

  • Supplications for higher degrees*

    • BMus (10 Oct, p38)
  • Viva voce examinations*

    • Michaelmas term

  • Prizes awarded to graduate students*

    • Ancient History Prize (Faculty of Classics), p21
    • Best Dissertation Prize, MSc in Migration Studies (Department of International Development/School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography), p21
    • Best Thesis Prize, MSc in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (Department of International Development), p21
    • Conington Prize (Faculty of Philosophy), p67
    • Eugene Havas Memorial Prize (Department of International Development), p21
    • Examiner’s Prize, MSc in Migration Studies (Department of International Development), p21
    • Gaisford Graduate Dissertation Prize (Faculty of Classics), p21
    • Gilbert Ryle Prize (Faculty of Philosophy), p21
    • Gil Loescher Prize (Department of International Development), p21
    • Papiya Ghosh Thesis Prize (Department of International Development), p21
  • Prizes, grants and funding offered

    • Astor Travel Fund: Astor Visiting Scholarships, p30
    • Gotch Memorial Prize, p30
    • Faculty of English Language and Literature:
      • Chancellor’s English Essay Prize, p30
      • English Poem on a Sacred Subject Prize, p30
      • Lord Alfred Douglas Prize, p30
      • Matthew Arnold Memorial Prize, p30
      • Shelley–Mills Prize, p30
      • Sir Roger Newdigate Prize, p30
      • Sir John Rhŷs Prize, p30
    • Faculty of English Language and Literature/Wolfson: Jon Stallworthy Poetry Prize, p30
    • St John’s College, Cambridge
      • Louis Cha Scholarship, p43
      • Benefactors’ Scholarships, p44

College notices

All notices relating to memorial services, obituary notices and the election of staff in colleges, halls and societies published in the Gazette during the 2024/25 academic year

  • Obituaries

    • Christ Church (3 Oct, p26)
    • Merton (3 Oct, p26) (10 Oct, p42)
    • St Cross (3 Oct, p26)
    • St Hugh's (3 Oct, p26)
  • College elections

    • content to be added as it is published
  • Memorial services

  • Merton

    • Professor Sir George Karoly Radda, 10 Oct, p42
  • Oriel

    • Lauchlan Glenn, 3 Oct, p26
  • St Catherine's

    • Professor Jose Harris, 10 Oct, p42
  • St Edmund Hall

    • Professor John Knight, 3 Oct, p26