Student-related notices 2021/22

All notices relating to student awards and examinations published in the Gazette during the 2021/22 academic year


Single sign-on login is required to read these notices*:

Single sign-on login is required to read these notices*:

Michaelmas term

Hilary term

Trinity term

Single sign-on login is required to read the following notices*:

  • Ancient History Prize (Faculty of Classics), p23
  • Arthur Lewis Prize for the Best Examination Essays in Development Economics (Department of International Development), p517
  • Eldon Law Scholarship (Faculty of Law), p199
  • Gaisford Graduate Dissertation Prize for Greek or Latin Languages and Literature (Faculty of Classics), p154
  • George Webb Medley Prize for Best Overall Performance (Department of International Development), p517
  • Jane Willis Kirkaldy Senior Prize (Faculty of History), p91
  • Luca D’Agliano Prize for Best Dissertation (Department of International Development), p517
  • Stutchbury Scholarship Prize (Department of Pharmacology), p76
  • Turnbull Travelling Scholarships, p401
  • Astor Travel Fund: Astor Visiting Scholarships, p193
  • Australian National University Study Exchange, p161
  • Bodleian Libraries: Gordon Duff Prize, p121
  • Bodleian Libraries: Colin Franklin Prize for Book Collecting, p121
  • Charterhouse Bursaries, p121
  • Chinese Government Scholarships, p182
  • Environmental Change Institute: CREDS interdisciplinary energy demand studentships, p29
  • Gladstone Memorial Trust: Travel Awards, p161
  • Gotch Memorial Prize, p29
  • Hanseatic and Theodor Heuss Scholarships, p146
  • Oxford Travel Abroad Bursaries, p130
  • Peter Beaconsfield Prize in Physiological Sciences, p161
  • Peterhouse, Cambridge: graduate studentships, p122
  • Philippe Wiener–Maurice Anspach Foundation, p229
  • Faculty of Philosophy: Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics, p81
  • St John's College, Cambridge: Harper-Wood Creative Writing and Travel Award, p258
  • St John’s College, Cambridge: Louis Cha Scholarship, p82
  • St John’s College, Cambridge: research scholarships, p81
  • Santander Academic Travel Awards, p130
  • Scatcherd Scholarships, p122
  • Van Houten Fund, p205
  • Philippe Wiener–Maurice Anspach Foundation: doctoral research awards at UL Bruxelles, p114

* certain student-related content published in the Gazette can only be read online by current University staff or students, because it is covered by a prohibition on publishing outside the EU under data protection legislation