Content will be published here when available.
Single sign-on login is required to read these notices* :
Michaelmas term
29 Sep, p14
6 Oct, p24
13 Oct, p46
20 Oct, p63
27 Oct, p79
3 Nov, p98
10 Nov, p107
17 Nov, p114
24 Nov, p126
1 Dec, p134
8 Dec, p141
Hilary term
Single sign-on login is required to read these notices* :
Single sign-on login is required to read the following notices* :
Ancient History Prize (Faculty of Classics), p13
Chancellor’s English Essay Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p13
Eldon Law Scholarship (Faculty of Law), p199
English Poem on a Sacred Subject Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p13
Gilbert Ryle Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p14
Gotch Memorial Prize (Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour), p209
Jill and Herbert Hunt Travelling Scholarship (Medical Sciences), p45
Jon Stallworthy Poetry Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p150 , p217
Lord Alfred Douglas Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p14
Matthew Arnold Memorial Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p14
MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy, p77
MSc in Migration Studies, p77
Peter Beaconsfield Prize in Physiological Sciences (Medical Sciences), p14
Shelley–Mills Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p14
Sir Roger Newdigate Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p150 , p209
Stutchbury Scholarship (Department of Pharmacology), p24
Asian Studies Centre, St Antony’s:
Wai Seng Senior Research Scholarship, p157
Sino British Fellowship Grant, p157
Australian National University: ANU Study Exchange, p157
Bodleian Libraries: Colin Franklin Prize for Book Collecting, p69
Chinese Government Scholarships, p138
Christ Church: Tower Poetry Competition, p69
Faculty of English Language and Literature:
Chancellor’s English Essay Prize, p157
Lord Alfred Douglas Prize, p157
Matthew Arnold Memorial Prize, p157
Shelley–Mills Prize, p157
Sir Roger Newdigate Prize, p157
Faculty of English Language and Literature/Wolfson: Jon Stallworthy Poetry Prize 2023, p19
Gladstone Memorial Trust: Travel Awards, p169
Gotch Memorial Prize, p19
Hanseatic and Theodor Heuss Scholarships, p146
Lee Placito Medical Fund, p121
Medical Sciences Division: Peter Beaconsfeld Prize in Physiological Sciences, p181
Oxford Martin School: funding round, p50
Peterhouse, Cambridge:
Graduate Studentships, p121
Professors C H Lee and M Perutz Studentship in Medical Biotechnology, p157
Philippe Wiener–Maurice Anspach Foundation, p121 , p213
Queen Elizabeth Scholarship, p138
Scatcherd European Scholarships and Charterhouse European Bursaries, p146
St John’s College, Cambridge:
Harper-Wood Creative Writing and Travel Award for English Poetry and Literature, p263
Louis Cha Scholarship, p121
Scholarships, p121