Examination Regulations
Changes to Examination Regulations this week
Education Committee
Criminology and Criminal Justice: MPhil
Nature, Society and Environmental Governance: MPhil
closure of MPhils in Criminology and Criminal Justice, and Nature, Society and Environmental Governance
Social Sciences Board
Archaeological Science: MSc
major changes to assessment structure
Criminology and Criminal Justice: MPhil
programme closure
Finance: DPhil
changes to probationer research student courses
Nature, Society and Environmental Governance: MPhil
programme closure
This year's changes
- Conduct of University Examinations, Regulations – Part 13: 26 September
- DPhil, General Regulations: 31 October
- MLitt, General Regulations: 31 October
- MSc (Research), General Regulations: 31 October
- Research Degrees, General Governing Regulations: 31 October
- Criminology and Criminal Justice:
- History of Art:
- Nature, Society and Environmental Governance
- content to be added as it is published
- Asian and Middle Eastern Studies:
- Celtic Studies, MSt: 26 September
- Classics, Research Degree: 26 Septembers
- Classics and Modern Languages, FHS: 26 September
- English and Modern Languages, Prelims: 26 September
- History, MSt (part time): 26 September
- History and Economics, FHS: 26 September
- History and English, FHS: 26 September
- History and Modern Languages:
- Modern Languages:
- Philosophy and Modern Languages:
- Theology, MPhil: 26 September
- Theology and Religion, PGDip: 26 September
- Advanced Computer Science, MSc: 26 September
- Biological Sciences (Plant Sciences and Zoology), Research Degrees, 16 January
- Biology, FHS, 16 January
- Computer Science and Philosophy, Prelims: 26 September
- Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, MSc, 6 March
- Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science, MSc: 26 September
- Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, MSc: 26 September
- Archaeological Science:
- Business Administration:
- Comparative Social Policy:
- Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Development Studies, MPhil: 26 September; 31 October
- Economics:
- Economics and Management, FHS: 26 September
- Education:
- Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation:
- MSc: 26 September
- MPhil: 26 September, 13 February
- Finance:
- Geography, Research Degrees: 10 October
- Global and Area Studies, MPhil: 7 November
- Global Governance and Diplomacy, MSc: 31 October
- Grand Union Doctoral Training Partnership, 13 March
- Human Sciences, FHS: 26 September
- International Development, Research Degrees: 10 October
- International Relations, MPhil: 26 September
- Latin American Studies, MSc: 21 November
- Law, Research Degrees: 10 October
- Law and Finance, MSc: 26 September
- Migration Studies, MSc: 31 October
- Modern South Asian Studies, MPhil: 26 September, 21 November
- Nature, Society and Environmental Governance
- Oxford Internet Institute, Research Degrees: 10 October
- Political Theory Research, MSc: 26 September
- Politics, MPhil: 26 September
- Politics and International Relations, Research Degrees: 10 October
- Politics Research, MSc: 26 September
- Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, MSc: 31 October
- Social Science of the Internet, MSc:
- full time: 31 October
- part time: 31 October (i), 31 October (ii)
Related Links
University of Oxford Examination Regulations homepage
How to write amendments to Examination Regulations
Template for notifying Gazette of Examination Regulation changes (downloads a Word template)