Terms and conditions of acceptance of advertisements

1. Advertisements are accepted for publication at the discretion of the editor of the Gazette.
Note. When an advertisement is received online, an acknowledgement will be sent automatically to the email address provided by the advertiser. The sending of this acknowledgement does not constitute an acceptance of the advertisement or an undertaking to publish the advertisement in the Gazette.
2. The right of the Gazette to edit an advertisement, in particular to abridge when necessary, is reserved.
3. Advertisements must be accompanied by the correct payment, and must be received by the published deadline. No refund can be made for cancellation after the acceptance of advertisements.
4. Once an advertisement has been submitted for publication, no change to the text can be accepted.
5. Voucher copies or cuttings cannot be supplied.
6. Two separate charging arrangements will apply, for commercial and private advertisers. The rates applicable at any time will be published regularly in the Gazette, and may be obtained upon enquiry. The rates, and guidance on applicability of each rate, are also available online. The editor's decision regarding applicability of these rates to an individual advertiser will be final.
7. Particular arrangements apply to advertisers who declare their intention to advertise for a full academic year ("whole-year advertisers"), and receive a discount on their advertisements for doing so:
a. With effect from January 2022, whole-year advertisers must pay for the year's advertisements upfront via the University's online shop and may opt for 24 insertions (8 per term), 27 insertions (9 per term) or 34 insertions (all issues).
b. Whole-year advertisers whose arrangements were entered into before January 2022 may only withdraw their advertisements partway through the year upon payment of the difference between the discounted rate and the standard rate for each advertisement which has already been published. If such payment is not received by the University of Oxford, the advertiser remains liable for the number of insertions and the discounted rate originally agreed.
8. The University of Oxford accepts no responsibility for the content of any advertisement published in the Gazette. Readers should note that the inclusion of any advertisement in no way implies approval or recommendation of either the terms of any offer contained in it or of the advertiser by the University of Oxford.
9. While every care is taken to avoid mistakes, the publisher cannot accept liability for any errors, misprints, or omissions in the publication of an advertisement due to third parties, subcontractors or inaccurate copy instructions or where the error, misprint or omission, whether or not due to the University of Oxford, does not, in the University of Oxford's reasonable opinion, materially detract from the advertisement.
10. Without prejudice to Clause 8, in the event of any error, misprint, or omission in the publication of an advertisement or part of an advertisement, the University of Oxford will at its option either reinsert the advertisement or relevant part of the advertisement as the case may be, or make in its discretion a reasonable refund of or adjustment to the cost. No reinsertion, refund or adjustment will be made where the error, misprint, or omission does not in the University of Oxford's reasonable opinion materially detract from the advertisement.
11. The total liability of the University of Oxford for any error, misprint, or omission shall not exceed the amount of a full refund of any price paid to the University of Oxford for the advertisement in connection with which liability arose or the cost of a further or corrective advertisement of a type and standard reasonably comparable to that in connection with which liability arose.
12. Nothing in these terms and conditions seeks to exclude any liability which cannot be excluded at law.
Copyright in artwork
13. The copyright for all purposes in all artwork, copy and other material which the University of Oxford or its employees have contributed to or reworked shall vest in the University of Oxford.
Advertiser's warranty and indemnity
14. The advertiser warrants:
a. not to discriminate against any respondents to an advertisement published in the Gazette on the basis of their sex, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, disability, age, or pregnancy;
b. that the advertisement does not contravene any current legislation, rules, regulations or applicable codes of practice;
c. that it is not in any way illegal or defamatory or a breach of copyright or an infringement of any other person's intellectual property or other rights.
15. The advertiser will indemnify and keep the University of Oxford fully indemnified in respect of:
a. all claims, costs, demands, damages, liabilities, or other charges whatsoever arising as a result of legal actions or threatened legal actions resulting from the publication of the advertisement published in accordance with the copy instructions supplied to the University of Oxford;
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16. While every endeavour will be made to meet the wishes of advertisers, the University of Oxford does not guarantee the insertion of any particular advertisement.
No liability for non-appearance of Gazette
17. The University of Oxford shall not be liable for any loss or damage occasioned by any total or partial failure (howsoever caused) of publication or distribution of any Gazette in which any advertisement is scheduled to appear.
Acceptance of terms
18. The placing of an order for the insertion of an advertisement shall amount to an acceptance of the above conditions and any conditions stipulated on an agency's order form or elsewhere by an agency or an advertiser shall be void insofar as they are in conflict with them.
19. The University of Oxford reserves the right to omit or suspend an advertisement at any time if the identity of the advertiser is not disclosed to the University of Oxford or is not disclosed in the advertisement where such disclosure is required by law.