Subscribing to the Gazette

Manage my subscriptions

Please note that the button above will take you to an area of this webpage which explains how to set up, cancel or amend subscriptions by email. The previous webform is no longer in operation.

Publication arrangements

The Gazette is produced by the Internal Communications Team, Public Affairs Directorate. For details of the subscription options open to you, please see the relevant section below.

Subscription options

Free subscriptions

The following publications are freely available online:

  • Gazette (the University of Oxford's journal of record)
  • OUP's Annual Report (the report of the Delegates of the University Press, published by OUP in July each year)

Anyone, whether a current member of the University or not, may read them online or set up a free email subscription to be notified when new issues are published. However, the Gazette is only available in a redacted format for non-University members (SSO is required to read the full edition). The omitted content relates solely to student business: degrees and prizes awarded and arrangements for viva voce examinations.

To set up, amend or cancel your subscription, please see 'Subscribing to email mailing lists' below.

Neither the Gazette nor OUP's Annual Report are available in print any longer, although copies of the Gazette are sent weekly to libraries and archives which request them as well as to legal deposit libraries in both digital and print format.

Library staff: to request a print copy of the Gazette for your library, or to cancel an existing order, please email

Paid subscriptions

Non-University members who want to read the full, non-redacted edition of the Gazette may purchase a digital subscription for PDF copies to be delivered by email each week.

To purchase such a subscription, please see 'Paid digital subscriptions' below.

Email notifications of new issues of the Gazette

Subscribing to email mailing lists

We maintain mailing lists to alert subscribers to new issues of the Gazette. Anyone is welcome to subscribe to these mailing lists, but please note that sections of the Gazette which relate to current students can only be viewed by current members of the University for data protection reasons. 

Please note that the webform, which allowed subscribers to change their options, is no longer in use. This is because the option of receiving print editions is no longer offered, and so the multi-option database is not required.

Gazette précis

We now provide a précis of Gazette content for all readers, which is intended to save you the trouble of clicking through to the PDF in the majority of circumstances. The précis is optimised for reading on smaller screens, as many of our readers now use their phones to read the Gazette

Any email subscribers will automatically receive a link to the weekly précis, and it is available on the Current issue and This year's issues pages of this website.

Setting up, cancelling or amending your email subscription

Setting up email alerts

After subscribing you will be sent a notification email which asks you to reply, to confirm that you intended to subscribe. Until you have replied to this email you will not be added to the mailing list.

To remove your address from the list

To change your email address

If you want to change the email address used for your subscription, please unsubscribe with your old address and resubscribe with the new one.

In case of difficulty, please email

Setting up email alerts

After subscribing you will be sent a notification email which asks you to reply, to confirm that you intended to subscribe. Until you have replied to this email you will not be added to the mailing list.

To remove your address from the list

To change your email address

If you want to change the email address used for your subscription, please unsubscribe with your old address and resubscribe with the new one.

In case of difficulty, please email

Paid digital subscriptions

Taking out a paid subscription to the Gazette

The cost of a digital subscription to the Gazette for the 2024/25 academic year will remain £40. A PDF will be emailed to you each week.

How to pay

Payment can only be made via our Gazette subscriptions online shop, where you can pay by debit or credit card.

We can no longer accept payment made by any other means.

Deadline for subscription payments

To ensure that your subscription is active in time for you to receive all copies of the Gazette for 2023/24, we must receive your payment by 20 September

Period of subscriptions

Subscriptions run for the whole academic year (September to July). If you subscribe at any point after the start of the academic year, we will send you back issues of PDFs issued to date and your subscription will run until July of the year in which you subscribe.

If you wish to discuss the possibility of subscribing for a partial year, please contact us by email at

Frequently asked questions

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Anyone can add themselves to our email mailing lists:

For more information, see 'Email notifications of new issues of the Gazette' above.

None of these publications are available in print any longer, although copies of the Gazette are sent to libraries and archives which request them.

If you have delegate or full access to another user's email (eg as their PA), you can subscribe on their behalf.

Follow the instructions under 'Email notifications of new issues of the Gazette' above, ensuring that the subscription emails are sent from the email address with which you want to subscribe.

Yes, you can change your mind at any time and as many times as you like.

Follow the instructions under 'Email notifications of new issues of the Gazette' above to subscribe, unsubscribe and change your subscription email address.

The webform is no longer in use as the subscription options are now restricted to email addresses, and no print subscriptions are offered.

You will continue to be sent emails at your subscribed email address until you either unsubscribe or the email address becomes inactive.

If you want to change your subscription email address, just unsubscribe with your existing email address and resubscribe with your new one, as per the instructions under 'Email notifications of new issues of the Gazette' above.

You will continue to be sent emails at your subscribed email address until you either unsubscribe or the email address becomes inactive.

If you want to change your subscription email address to a personal or a retiree email address, just unsubscribe with your existing email address and resubscribe with your new one, as per the instructions under 'Email notifications of new issues of the Gazette' above.

No. When your subscribed email address becomes inactive your subscriptions will automatically be cancelled.

If you want to change your subscription email address to a personal or non-Oxford email address, just unsubscribe with your existing email address and resubscribe with your new one, as per the instructions under 'Email notifications of new issues of the Gazette' above.

You can either:

  • cancel your subscription when you leave and restart it when you return, or
  • change your subscription email address to a personal or non-Oxford email address. In this case, just unsubscribe with your existing email address and resubscribe with your new one.

In either case, please follow the instructions under 'Email notifications of new issues of the Gazette' above.

If you'd like to see a copy of the Gazette and/or OUP's Annual Review you can email and we will email you:

  • a sample PDF copy of the Gazette
  • a link to the latest version of OUP's Annual Review, and
  • a sample of the email notifications for the Gazette, including links to the online editions.

The following publications are freely available online:

  • Gazette (the University of Oxford's journal of record)
  • OUP's Annual Report (the report of the Delegates of the University Press, published by OUP in July each year)

You can read them online or set up a free email subscription to be notified when new issues are published. You will need to log in using your SSO to view the full, non-redacted edition of each week's Gazette. (The omitted content relates solely to student business: degrees and prizes awarded and arrangements for viva voce examinations.)

To set up, amend or cancel your subscription, please see 'Subscribing to email mailing lists' above. If you are having difficulty accessing the full edition, please email with your SSO username (eg abcd1234). DO NOT send us your password, just your SSO username (for more information on passwords, please see 

Neither the Gazette nor OUP's Annual Report are available in print any longer, although copies of the Gazette are sent weekly to libraries and archives which request them as well as to legal deposit libraries in both digital and print format.

The following publications are freely available online:

  • Gazette (the University of Oxford's journal of record)
  • OUP's Annual Report (the report of the Delegates of the University Press, published by OUP in July each year)

You can read them online or set up a free email subscription to be notified when new issues are published. You will need to log in using your SSO to view the full, non-redacted edition of each week's Gazette. (The omitted content relates solely to student business: degrees and prizes awarded and arrangements for viva voce examinations.)

To set up, amend or cancel your subscription, please see 'Subscribing to email mailing lists' above. If you are having difficulty accessing the full edition, please email with your SSO username (eg abcd1234). DO NOT send us your password, just your SSO username (for more information on passwords, please see 

Neither the Gazette nor OUP's Annual Report are available in print any longer, although copies of the Gazette are sent weekly to libraries and archives which request them as well as to legal deposit libraries in both digital and print format.

Free subscriptions

The following publications are freely available online:

  • Gazette (the University of Oxford's journal of record)
  • OUP's Annual Report (the report of the Delegates of the University Press, published by OUP in July each year)

You may read them online or set up a free email subscription to be notified when new issues are published. However, the Gazette is only available in a redacted format for anyone who is not a current University student or member of staff. The omitted content relates solely to student business: degrees and prizes awarded and arrangements for viva voce examinations.

To set up, amend or cancel your subscription, please see 'Subscribing to email mailing lists' above.

Neither the Gazette nor OUP's Annual Report are available in print any longer, although copies of the Gazette are sent weekly to libraries and archives which request them as well as to legal deposit libraries in both digital and print format.

Paid subscriptions

If you are not a current University student or member of staff, you may purchase a digital subscription to the Gazette to read the non-redacted editionPDF copies will then be delivered by email each week.

To purchase such a subscription, please see 'Paid digital subscriptions' above.

If you have questions that haven't been answered yet, please email