Elections 2021/22

Council, Committee, Divisional Board and Faculty Board elections

Notices will be posted here of elections held during the 2021/22 academic year as published in the Gazette. They are listed by category and then by notices of vacancies, nominations published and results. Further information about elections within the University of Oxford can be found on the Elections website.


  • 1 member of Congregation from the Divisions of Humanities and Social Sciences (vacancy announced: p319) (contested election: p388) (election result: p440
  • 1 member of Congregation from the Divisions of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences and Medical Sciences (vacancy announced:  p319) (lapsed vacancy: p395)
  • 1 member of Congregation in a non-divisional capacity (vacancy announced: p319) (contested election: p390) (election result: p440
Committees reporting to Council
  • Audit & Scrutiny Committee (vacancy announced: p35) (lapsed vacancy: p104)
  • Curators of the Sheldonian Theatre (vacancy announced: p35) (contested election: p102) (result: p132)
  • Visitors of the Ashmolean Museum (vacancies announced: p319) (lapsed vacancies: p395)
  • Nominations Committee (vacancies announced: p320) (lapsed vacancies: p395)
  • Nominating Committee for the Vice-Chancellorship (vacancies announced: p320) (lapsed vacancies: p395)
  • Panel for constituting the Visitatorial Board under Statute XII Part C (vacancies announced: p320) (lapsed vacancies: p395)
  • Prevent Steering Group (vacancies announced: p321) (uncontested elections: p391) (lapsed vacancies: p395)
Other Committees and University Bodies
  • Pool for Constituting Panels under Statute XII (vacancies announced: p35) (uncontested election: p103) (lapsed vacancy: p104)
  • Pool for Constituting Panels under Statute XII (vacancies announced: p157) (lapsed vacancies: p212)
Divisional Boards
  • Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board (vacancies announced: p321)  (uncontested election: p392) (lapsed vacancies: p395)
  • Social Sciences Board (vacancies announced: p321) (uncontested elections: p392)
Faculty Boards
  • Board of the Faculty of History (vacancy announced: p35) (uncontested election: p103)
  • Board of the Faculty of Law (vacancy announced: p35) (lapsed vacancy: p104)
  • Board of the Faculty of History  (vacancy announced: p157) (uncontested election: p211)
  • Board of the Faculty of English Language and Literature (vacancies announced: p322) (uncontested elections: p392)
  • Board of the Faculty of History (vacancies announced: p322) (uncontested elections: p393)
  • Board of the Faculty of Law (vacancies announced: p322) (uncontested election: p393) (lapsed vacancy: p395)
  • Board of the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics (vacancies announced: p322) (uncontested elections: p393) (lapsed vacancy: p395)
  • Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies (vacancies announced: p322) (uncontested elections: p394)
  • Board of the Faculty of Philosophy (vacancies announced: p322)  (uncontested elections: p394) (lapsed vacancy: p395)
  • Board of the Faculty of Theology and Religion (vacancies announced: p322) (uncontested elections: p394)