Content by Subject 2023/24

Council & its committees

All changes to legislation made by Council and its committees and published in the Gazette during the 2023/24 academic year.

  • Council

    • Appeals to the Appeal Court, p460
    • Buildings and Estate Subcommittee, p601
    • Council, nomination of external members (Wendy Becker, Sir Chris Deverell, Charles Harman), p120
    • Convocation elections
      • alignment of Convocation election arrangements & increase in inclusivity, p352
      • clarification of Chancellor's Election Committee role, p440
    • College Contributions Fund, p353
    • Constitution, Duties and Powers of the Rules Committee, p460
    • Committees (corrigendum), p236
    • Committee to Review Donations and Research Funding, p600
    • Dates of term, p292
    • Discontinued regulations, p461
    • Divisional Boards, p173
    • Education Committee
      • change in membership, p436
      • formalisation of Graduate Admissions Committee and addition of University of Sanctuary Steering Committee as subcommittees, p437
    • Employment of University Staff, p436
    • Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee, p602
    • Faculty Boards, p461
    • Financial Regulations (corrigendum), p1
    • Information Technology Facilities, p460
    • Kellogg College, p344
    • Medical Sciences Divisional Board, p344
    • Panels convened under Statute XII Parts B, D and H, p173
    • People Committee, p604
    • Committee to Review the Salaries of Senior University Officers, p172
    • Rupert Murdoch Professor in Language and Communication, p602
    • Ruskin School of Art, p436
    • Security Subcommittee of the General Purposes Committee (corrigendum), p1
    • Senior Remuneration Committee, p603
    • Statute VI, concerning Council, and Statute XIV, concerning the Employment of Academic and Support Staff by the University (corrigendum), p1
    • Statute IX for Complaints and Academic Appeals, p460
    • Strategic Capital Steering Group/Planning and Housing Strategy Group, p439, p600
    • Student Fitness to Study Panel, p438
    • Voting on Resolutions and Legislative Proposals (corrigendum), p26 
  • General Purposes Committee of Council

    • Alexander Mosley Professor of Biophysics Fund, p132
    • Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, p357
    • Brost Lecturer in German and European Community Lawp98
    • Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatryp96 
    • Camden Professorship of Ancient History, p410
    • Corcoran Memorial Fund, p193
    • Oxford University Cricket Club, p192
    • Gad Rausing Associate Professor of Viking-Age Archaeology Fund, p508
    • Harmsworth Professor of American History, p408
    • Professorship of Inorganic Chemistryp97
    • Kadoorie Professor of Trauma Rehabilitation, p408
    • Khalid bin Abdullah Al Saud Professor for the Study of the Contemporary Arab Worldp96
    • Kidani Fellows in Immuno-Oncology Fund, p572
    • Lincoln Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art, p409 
    • Millsap–Humble American Football Fund, p574
    • Richard and Nicola Lerner Scholarship Fund, p573
    • Rupert Murdoch Professor in Language and Communication, p573
    • Sarah J. Clackson Coptic Fundp357
    • Savilian Professorship of Geometryp97
    • St Cross Scholarships in European Medieval Archaeology Fund, p354
    • St Cross Uehiro Scholarships for Future Generations Fund, p355
    • Palgrave Brown Bursary Fundp355
    • Professor of Translational Cognitive Neurosciencep97
    • Professor of Transplantation, p409
    • Unwin Fund for Bodleian Library Publishing, p193
    • Vivien Leigh Fund, p356


All resolutions, legislative proposals, changes to regulations and other business submitted to Congregation and published in the Gazette during the 2023/24 academic year.

  • Resolutions

    • Conferment of Degree by Diploma: Her Majesty Empress Masako, Empress of Japan (announced 2 May: p411) (carried 23 May: p463) (approved 30 May: p492) (notice of ceremony 6 Jun: p514) (awarded 4 Jul: p575)
    • Conferment of Honorary Degrees: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Sir Michael Palin, Warren East, Sir Mo Farah, Demis Hassabis, Salim Yusuf, Anoushka Shankar (announced 29 Feb: p297) (carried 14 Mar: p346) (approved 21 Mar: p358)  (awarded at Encaenia: p559 (supplement)
    • Graduate Application Fee Reinstatement (announced 6 June: p513) (notice of opposition 20 Jun: p543) (flysheet 1, 20 Jun) (flysheet 2, 20 Jun) (carried 4 Jul: p574) (transcript of meeting: p585) (postal vote 18 Jul: p604) (flysheet 1, 18 Jul)
    • Redundancy Panel under Statute XII: Academic Staff and the Visitatorial Board (announced 23 May: p479) (notice of opposition 6 Jun: p511) (notice of opposition 20 Jun: p543) (flysheet 20 Jun) (rejected 4 Jul: p575) (transcript of meeting: p591) (postal vote 18 Jul: p604) (flysheet 2, 18 Jul) (flysheet 3, 18 Jul)
    • Space allocations:
      • 1–6 Winchester Road to Reuben (announced 15 Feb: p272) (carried 14 Mar: p346) (approved 21 Mar: p358)
      • 2, 4 and 6 Bradmore Road to Kellogg (announced 15 Feb: p273) (carried 14 Mar: p346) (approved 21 Mar: p358)
      • 8 Bradmore Road to Kellogg (announced 15 Feb: p273) (carried 14 Mar: p346) (approved 21 Mar: p358)
      • 9/10 and 11 Bradmore Road to Kellogg (announced 15 Feb: p274) (carried 14 Mar: p346) (approved 21 Mar: p358)
      • 49 and 55 Banbury Road, to Kellogg (announced 15 Feb: p273) (carried 14 Mar: p346) (approved 21 Mar: p358)
      • 58/58a Banbury Road to Kellogg (announced 15 Feb: p274) (carried 14 Mar: p346) (approved 21 Mar: p358)
      • Le Gros Clark Building to School of Geography and the Environment (announced 21 Sep: p3) (carried 12 Oct: p58) (approved 19 Oct: p80)
      • OUP K Wing to the Finance Division (announced 16 May: p443) (carried 6 Jun: p511) (approved 13 Jun: p529)
      • Sherrington Building to the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics (announced 18 Apr: p364) (carried 9 May: p424) (approved 16 May: p441)
      • Swindon Book Storage Facility site to the Gardens, Libraries and Museums Division (announced 21 Sep: p4) (carried 12 Oct: p58) (approved 19 Oct: p80)
      • Swindon Book Storage Facility site to the Gardens, Libraries and Museums Division (chamber 5 extension) (announced 21 Sep: p4) (carried 12 Oct: p58) (approved 19 Oct: p80)
      • Warneford Wellcome and Warneford Main to the Department of Psychiatry (announced 16 May: p443) (carried 6 Jun: p510) (approved 13 Jun: p529)
  • Legislative Proposals

    • Statute V: Colleges, Societies, and Permanent Private Halls (announced 21 Sep: p4) (carried 12 Oct: p58) (approved 19 Oct: p80)
    • Statute VI: Council and Statute XIV concerning the Employment of Academic and Support Staff by the University (announced 21 Sep: p4) (carried 12 Oct: p58) (approved 19 Oct: p80)
    • Sackler Keeper of Antiquities Endowment Fund (announced 20 Jul 2023: p484) (carried 12 Oct: p58) (approved 19 Oct: p80)
    • Statute IX: Officers of the University (announced 21 Mar: p359) (carried 18 Apr: p364) (approved 25 Apr: p396)
    • Statute XI: University Discipline and consequential amendments (announced 23 May: p465) (notice of opposition 6 Jun: p510, p512) (withdrawn 13 June: p528) (notice of adjournment 20 Jun: p543) (proposed amendment 18 July: p606)
    • Statute XVI: Property, Contracts and Trusts (announced 16 May: p443) (carried 6 Jun: p510) (approved 13 Jun: p529)
  • Other Congregation business

    • Clerks of the Market, admission (announced 28 Sep: p11) (admitted 5 Oct: p27)
    • Questions under Part 5 of Congregation Regulations 2 of 2002
      • questions re University investments and support for Palestinian universities (questions asked and Council's replies 23 May: p463) (report of proceedings, supplementary questions and Council's replies 20 June: p536)
      • questions re University protocol for the handling of protests and how these applied to events of 23 May (questions asked and Council's replies: p541) (transcript of meeting: p584)
    • Pro-Vice-Chancellors, admission (announced 28 Sep: p10) (admitted 5 Oct: p26)
    • Proctors and Assessor, admission (announced 11 Jan: p195) (admitted 14 Mar: p345) (oration by the demitting published as supplement: p363
    • Vice-Chancellor's Oration 2023 (announced 21 Sep: p3) (reported 5 Oct: p26) (published as supplement: p69)
    • Vice-Chancellor's Oration 2024 (announced 18 July: p605)

Register of Congregation

The following is a list of all of the Gazette notices of staff added to the Register of Congregation during the 2023/24 academic year. They are listed in order of the issue in which their name appears. A full listing of the whole Register of Congregation (as it stands at a particular date) is published in Hilary term each year.

Degree by Resolution

The following is a list of all of the Gazette notices of staff awarded an MA by resolution during the 2023/24 academic year. They are listed by the date of the Gazette issue in which the resolution was announced. Single sign-on login is required to read these notices*:


The following is a list of elections held during the 2023/24 academic year as published in the Gazette. They are listed by category and then by notices of vacancies, nominations published and results. Further information about elections within the University of Oxford can be found on the Elections website.

  • Elections by Congregation

    • Council 
      • non-divisional (vacancy announced: p371) (nominations received: p448) (candidate statements: p482) (contested election result: p528)
      • Humanities/Social Sciences (vacancy announced: p371) (nominations received: p449) (candidate statements: p484) (contested election result: p528)
      • MPLS/Medical Sciences (vacancy announced: p371) (nominations received: p450) (candidate statements: p485) (contested election result: p528)
    • Buildings and Estates Subcommittee (vacancy announced: p371) (vacancy lapsed: p454)
    • Curators of the Sheldonian Theatre
      • HT (vacancy announced: p186) (uncontested election result: p277)
      • TT (vacancy announced: p371) (nominations received: p450) (candidate statements: p486) (contested election result: p528)
    • Curators of the University Libraries (vacancy announced: p371) (uncontested election result: p452)
    • Pool for Constituting Panels under Statute XII
      • MT (vacancies announced: p31) (uncontested election results: p114)
      • HT (vacancies announced: p186, p201) (uncontested election results: p278) (vacancies lapsed: p279)
      • TT (vacancy announced: p372) (vacancy lapsed: p454)
  • Divisional Board Elections

    • Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board
      • HT (vacancy announced: p186) (uncontested election result: p279)
      • TT (vacancy announced: p372) (vacancy lapsed: p454)
    • Medical Sciences Board (vacancy announced: p32) (nominations received: p113) (candidate statements: p127) (contested election result: p163)
    • Social Sciences Board (vacancies announced: p372) (vacancies lapsed: p454)
  • Faculty Board Elections

    • Board of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (vacancies announced: p373) (uncontested election result: p452)
    • Board of the Faculty of English Language and Literature (vacancies announced: p373) (vacancies lapsed: p454)
    • Board of the Faculty of History (vacancies announced: p373) (vacancies lapsed: p455)
    • Board of the Faculty of Law (vacancy announced: p373) (uncontested election result: p453)
    • Board of the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics (vacancies announced: p373) (nominations received: p451) (candidate statements: p487) (contested election result: p528)
    • Board of the Faculty of Music (vacancy announced: p33) (vacancy lapsed: p115
    • Board of the Faculty of Philosophy (vacancies announced: p374) (uncontested election result: p453) (vacancy lapsed: p455
    • Board of the Faculty of Theology and Religion (vacancies announced: p374) (vacancies lapsed: p455


Consultative and general notices published in the Gazette during the 2023/24 academic year

  • Consultative notices

    • All Souls College: Committee on Statutes before the Privy Council, p607
    • Ashmolean Museum: request from the High Commission of India for the return of 2 Indian Bronzes, p237
    • External member of Council: invitation to submit nominations, p553
    • Freedom of Speech legislation, p608
    • History of Science Museum: from the Karanga Aotearoa Repatriation Programme of New Zealand for the repatriation of 2 skulls, p444
    • Honorary Degrees/Degrees by Diploma: call for nominations, p225
    • Medical Sciences Division/Education Committee:
      • Review of the Nuffield Department of Medicine, p607
    • Oxford University Museum of Natural History: request from the Hopi Tribe Cultural Preservation Office for return of 1 Hopi Tribe cranium, p196
    • Permanent Private Hall Supervisory Committee: review of Regent’s Park, p306
    • Pitt Rivers Museum:
      • request from Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre for return of 5 Aboriginal Tasmanian hair samples, p165
      • request from Sarawak Kenyah Badeng Association for the return of a sunhat, p165
    • Social Sciences Division/Education Committee:
      • Review of School of Global and Area Studies, p82
      • Review of Department of Social Policy and Intervention, p81
      • Review of Department of Sociology, p83
  • General notices

    • Encaenia:
      • Garden Party, p479
      • registration to attend, p412 (waiting list, p479)
    • Gazette publication arrangements, p12, p608
    • Industrial action (UCU strike action dates and payroll deduction forms), p6
    • MSc in Clinical Embryology, p13
    • OUP Annual Report, p609
    • Oxford Literary Festival (discounted tickets), p307
    • Oxford Martin School, p182
    • Pay & Conditions Town Hall event, p12
    • Rhodes Professor of Race Relations, renaming (statute approved by His Majesty in Council), p196
    • Sackler naming recognition removal (statute approved by His Majesty in Council), p397
    • Staff Communications Feedback Group (members sought), p181
    • Staff Communications Survey Group (members sought), p226 
    • University Calendar published, p122, p250
    • University of Oxford Staff Pension Scheme (OSPS), p397
    • Van Houten Fund (applications for grants sought), p262
    • Vice-Chancellor's Awards:
      • announced, p196
      • showcase, p366
      • ceremony and winners report, p444 

Appointment-related notices

All notices relating to the appointment and recognition of distinction of staff and visiting professors at the University published in the Gazette during the 2023/24 academic year

  • Appointments and reappointments

    • Statutory Professorships and other senior positions

      • Professorship of Biophysics (Nynke Dekker), p250 
      • Professorship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Mina Fazel), p366
      • Professorship of Comparative Law (Lionel Smith), p609
      • Professorship of Competition Law (Ariel Ezrachi), p577
      • Professorship of Control Engineering (Antonis Papachristodoulou), p545
      • Regius Professorship of Divinity (The Revd Andrew Davison), p545
      • Valerie Beral Professorship of Epidemiology (Gillian Reeves), p197
      • Dame Louise Richardson Professorship in Global Security (Janina Dill), p14
      • Professorship of Indian History and Culture (Nandini Chatterjee), p250
      • Professorship of Inorganic Chemistry (Charlotte Williams), p515
      • Professorship of Linguistics (Colin Phillips), p13
      • Professorship of Microbiology (Kevin Foster), p480
      • Professorship of Numerical Analysis (Michael Giles), p175
      • Nuffield Professorship of Primary Care Health Sciences (Sir Aziz Sheikh), p14
      • Chichele Professorship of Public International Law (Dapo Akande), p14
      • Professorship of Social Anthropology (Alpa Shah), p366
      • Regius Professorship of Moral and Pastoral Theology (Luke Bretherton), p545
      • Khalid bin Abdullah al Saud Professorship for the Study of the Contemporary Arab World (Pascal Menoret), p366
      • Hillary Rodham Clinton Professorship of Women’s History (Sarah Knott), p555
    • Other appointments, reappointments and conferments of title

  • Visiting Professorships

    • Statutory Professorships

      • George Eastman Visiting Professorship
        • MT : Anna Deavere Smithp14
        • HT: Mark Jordanp197
        • 2023/24: Verity Harte, p546
        • 2024/25: Vijay Balasubramanian, p546
      • Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Visiting Professorship of American History (Lisa McGirrEliga GouldLaurie Maffly-Kipp), p366
      • John G Winant Visiting Professorship of American Government (Kimberley JohnsonEmily ZackinFredrick Harris), p15
    • Other visiting professorships

  • Recognition of Distinction

    • 2024 exercise:
      • applications invited, p175
      • divisional committee membership, p495
    • Successful candidates 2023, p16 (corrigendum: p60)
    • Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences awards (12 Oct, p59)

  • Electoral Boards and Advisory Committees

    • Electoral Boards

      • Nuffield Professor of Anaesthetic Science, p182
      • Camden Professorship of Ancient History, p17
      • Professorship of Inorganic Chemistry, p17
      • Professorship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, p84
      • Professorship of Comparative Law, p367
      • Professorship of Competition Law, p134
      • Hooke Professorship of Experimental Physics, p367
      • Savilian Professorship of Geometry, p238
      • Peter Moores Professorship of Management Studies, p18
      • Professorship of Materials Engineering, p198
      • Sekyra and White’s Professorship of Moral Philosophy, p367
      • Nuffield Professorship of Population Health, p29
      • Khalid bin Abdullah Al Saud Professor for the Study of the Contemporary Arab World, p100
      • Professorship of Translational Cognitive Neuroscience, p175
      • Hillary Rodham Clinton Professorship of Women’s History, p250
    • Advisory Committees

      • Regius Professorship of Divinity, p307
      • Regius Professorship of Moral and Pastoral Theology, p307


All lecture notices published in the Gazette during the 2023/24 academic year

Events & exhibitions

All notices relating to musical and other events and exhibitions published in the Gazette during the 2023/24 academic year

  • University Preachers

    • Michaelmas term, p12
    • Hilary term, p196
    • Trinity term, p365
  • Musical and other events

    • Sir Roger Bannister 70th anniversary celebration (18 Apr, p368)
    • Christ Church (16 May, p445)
    • Ertegun House (12 Oct, p62)
    • Exeter (19 Oct, p85) (1 Feb, p250)
    • Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages (20 Feb, p275)
    • Faculty of Music (2 May, p413)
    • Keble (2 Nov, p109) (25 Jan, p238) (1 Feb, p251) (2 May, p413)
    • Merton (19 Oct, p85) (7 Mar, p308)
    • New College (12 Oct, p61) (2 May, p413)
    • Queen's (12 Oct, p61)
    • St Cross (12 Oct, p62)
    • Trinity (2 Nov, p109) (11 Jan, p198)
    • Wytham Woods (22 Feb, p286)
  • Exhibitions

    • Christ Church Picture Gallery (28 Sep, p18) (9 Nov, p123) (18 Jan, p227)
    • History of Science Museum (28 Sep, p18) (15 Feb, p275)
    • Maison Française (18 Apr, p368)
    • St John's (9 Nov, p123) (11 Jan, p198) (29 Feb, p299) (30 May, p496)

Student-related notices

All notices relating to students published in the Gazette during the 2023/24 academic year

NB: Single sign-on login is required to read these notices*:

NB: Single sign-on login is required to read these notices*:

  • Supplications for higher degrees

  • Viva voce examinations

  • Prizes awarded to graduate students

    • Arthur Lewis Prize for Best Examination Essays in Development Economics, p610
    • Benno Ndulu Prize for Best Examination in Quantitative Methods, p610
    • Chancellor’s English Essay Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p515
    • Gilbert Ryle Prize (Faculty of Philosophy), p17
    • Jane Willis Kirkaldy Senior Prize (Faculty of History), p368
    • Jon Stallworthy Poetry Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p515
    • Lord Alfred Douglas Memorial Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p516
    • Matthew Arnold Memorial Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p516
    • Peter Beaconsfield Prize (Medical Sciences), p546
    • George Webb Medley Prize for Best Overall Performance (MSc in Economics for Development, Social Sciences), p610
    • Luca D’Agliano Prize for Best Dissertation (MSc in Economics for Development, Social Sciences), p610
    • MSc in Economic and Social History (Faculty of History), p197
    • MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy (Department of International Development), p610
    • MSc in History of Science, Medicine and Technology (Faculty of History), p197
    • MSc in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (Department of International Development), p17
    • MSc in Migration Studies (Department of International Development/School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography), p17
    • MPhil in Economic and Social History (Faculty of History), p197
    • MPhil in History of Science, Medicine and Technology (Faculty of History), p197
    • MPhil/MSt in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies (Faculty of History), p197
    • MSt in Global and Imperial History (Faculty of History), p197
    • MSt in History of Art and Visual Culture (Faculty of History), p197
    • MSt/MPhil in Early Modern History (Faculty of History), p197
    • MSt/MPhil in Greek/Roman History (Faculty of Classics), p227
    • MSt/MPhil in History (Faculty of History), p197
    • MSt/MPhil in History – British and European History 1700–1850 (Faculty of History), p197
    • MSt/MPhil in History – Intellectual History (Faculty of History), p197
    • MSt/MPhil in History – Medieval History (Faculty of History), p198
    • MSt/MPhil in History – Modern British History (Faculty of History), p198
    • MSt/MPhil in History – Modern European History (Faculty of History), p198
    • MSt/MPhil in History – US History (Faculty of History), p198
    • MSt/MPhil in History – Women’s, Gender and Queer History (Faculty of History), p198
    • MSt/MPhil in History of War (Faculty of History), p198
    • Shelley–Mills Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p516
    • Sir John Rhŷs Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p516
    • Sir Roger Newdigate Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p516
  • Prizes, grants and funding offered

    • Astor Travel Fund: Astor Visiting Scholarships, p205
    • Christ Church: Tower Poetry Competition, p69
    • Faculty of English Language and Literature:
      • Jon Stallworthy Poetry Prize, p117
      • Matthew Arnold Memorial Prize, p117
      • Sir Roger Newdigate Prize, p117
      • Chancellor’s English Essay Prize, p117
      • Shelley–Mills Prize, p117
      • Lord Alfred Douglas Prize, p117 
      • Sir John Rhŷs Prize, p117
    • Gladstone Memorial Trust: 2024 Travel Awards, p233
    • Gotch Memorial Prize, p36
    • History of Art Committee: Laurence Binyon Prize, p289
    • Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies: applications for exhibitions, p505
    • Faculty of Law: Eldon Law Scholarship, p275
    • Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics: Anton Soldatić and Antonija Soldatić (née Skalir) Memorial Prize, p178
    • School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Jill and Herbert Hunt Travelling Scholarships, p269
    • University of Oxford: International scholarship exchanges, p141
    • Peterhouse, Cambridge: Graduate Studentships, p189
    • Peterhouse, Cambridge: Professors CH Lee & M Perutz Studentship, p189
    • Philippe Wiener–Maurice Anspach Foundation: postdoctoral fellowships, p269
    • Faculty of Philosophy: Conington Prize, p377
    • Ruskin School of Art: Vivien Leigh Prize, p505
    • St Catherine’s: Graduate Scholarships, p289
    • St Hugh's: Colin Matthew Fund, p489
    • St John's College, Cambridge:
      • Harper-Wood Creative Writing & Travel Award for English Poetry & Literature, p301
      • Louis Cha Scholarship, p69
      • Benefactors’ Scholarships, p69

* certain student-related content published in the Gazette can only be read online by current University staff or students, because it is covered by a prohibition on publishing outside the EU under data protection legislation

College notices

All notices relating to memorial services, obituary notices and the election of staff in colleges, halls and societies published in the Gazette during the 2023/24 academic year

Memorial services

  • Merton

    • Dr Dominic Welsh, 18 Apr, p375
  • Somerville

    • Adrianne Tooke, 5 Oct, p34
  • St Catherine's

    • Professor Peter Dickson, 28 Sep, p21
    • Professor Sir (Eric) Brian Smith 22 Feb, p287
  • St Edmund Hall

    • Dr Christopher Phelps, 16 May, p455