Content by Subject 2022/23
Examination Regulation changes
Register of Congregation
Degrees by Resolution
Consultative & general notices
Appointment-related notices
Events & exhibitions
Student-related notices
College-related notices
Council & its committees
All changes to legislation made by Council and its committees and published in the Gazette during the 2022/23 academic year.
- Central University Research Ethics Committee, regulations, p252 (corrigendum: p274)
- College Contributions Fund, income grants, p282
- College Contributions Scheme, correction to grant calculation, p482
- Council, nomination of external member (Nicholas Kroll), p104
- Dates of term, p250
- Estates Investment Subgroup, streamlining governance process for smaller, low-risk projects, p483
- Financial Regulations:
- Honorary Degrees Committee (co-option of members), p482
- Incorporation, regulations, p442
- Information and Digital Committee, regulations, p440
- IT Regulations, p336 (corrigendum: p440
- Joint University/Conference of Colleges committee for equality, diversity and inclusion, creation, p368
- Language Centre, membership and remit of its committee, p104
- Personnel Committee, change of name, p480
- Proctors' Regulations 1 of 2003, p254 (corrigendum: p266)
- St Catherine's, p472
- Student Life Subcommittee of the Education Committee, regulations, p292
- Student member attendance at Council, regulations, p370
- Trustees of the University of Oxford Staff Pension Scheme, appointment process, p368
General Purposes Committee of Council
- Millsap American Football Fund (formalising trust), p293
- Nuffield Professor of Anaesthetic Science (updating electoral board composition), p405
- Beit Fund, regulations for renaming of professorship, p452
- Professorship of Competition Law (establishment), p255
- Council Regulations 24 of 2002 and 25 of 2002 (changes to reflect the accession of King Charles III), p132, p293
- Crowther Memorial Prize (streamline administration), p405
- Engineering Department Prize & Bursary Fund (establishment), p453
- Goldsmiths’ Professorship of English Literature (to include research in professor's duties), p124
- Enzo Cerundolo Memorial Fund (formalising trust), p73
- University of Oxford ffennell Fund (corrigendum), p2
- Francis Napier Fund (to take into account the disestablishment of previous oversight committee), p452
- SAIL for Health Professor of Global Health and Clinical Development Fund (formalising trust), p336
- Dame Louise Richardson Professor in Global Security
- Hiorns Memorial Prize (streamlining administration), p404
- Oxford University Hockey Endowment Fund (establishment), p293
- Hsu-Tang Library of Chinese Literature Fund (formalising trust), p453
- Oxford University Ice Hockey Project Endowment Fund (new governance arrangements), p452
- Insight Investment Fund (formalising trust), p452
- Professor of Microbiology (to update electoral board & references and include research in professor's duties), p256
- O’Donnell Fund (combining regulations for lecturer & associated fund; adding standard trust provisions), p404
- Nuffield Professor of Population Health (updating electoral board composition), p406
- Man Group Endowment for Quantitative Finance (clarifying that accumulated income is expendable endowment), p336
- St Cross Community Bursaries Fund (formalising trust), p73
- Simon and June Li Scholarship Fund (formalising trust), p74
- Professorship of Translational Medicine (establishment), p124
All resolutions, legislative proposals, changes to regulations and other business submitted to Congregation and published in the Gazette during the 2022/23 academic year.
- Conferment of Honorary Degrees
- Nenad Vranješ (announced 19 Jan: p160) (carried 2 Feb: p184) (approved 9 Feb: p196)
- Paul Gilroy, Val McDermid, Sir Simon Schama, Frances Arnold, Steve Furber, Malik Peiris (announced 2 Feb: p184) (carried 16 Feb: p208) (approved 23 Feb: p216) (awarded at Encaenia: p459 (supplement))
- Michelle Bachelet, Lyse Doucet (announced 23 Mar: p282) (carried 20 Apr: p294) (approved 27 Apr: p324) (awarded at Encaenia: p459 (supplement))
- Oxford Magazine (announced 27 Oct: p75) (Council's response 3 Nov: p96) (carried 10 Nov: p106) (approved 17 Nov: p112)
- Space allocations
- Alden Press Annexe to Gardens, Libraries and Museums Division (announced 21 Jul 2022: p513) (carried 6 Oct: p23) (approved 13 Oct: p44)
- Anna Watts Building to Department of Experimental Psychology (announced 21 Jul 2022: p513) (carried 6 Oct: p23) (approved 13 Oct: p44)
- Biochemical & Biological Sciences Teaching Centre to Department of Biochemistry (announced 21 Jul 2022: p513) (carried 6 Oct: p23) (approved 13 Oct: p44)
- Biochemical & Biological Sciences Teaching Centre to Department of Biology (announced 21 Jul 2022: p513) (carried 6 Oct: p23) (approved 13 Oct: p44)
- Biology Mansfield Road to Department of Biology (announced 21 Jul 2022: p513) (carried 6 Oct: p23) (approved 13 Oct: p44)
- Churchill Hospital site to Medical Sciences Division (announced 30 Jun 2022: p460) (corrigendum 7 Jul 2022: p494) (carried 6 Oct: p23) (approved 13 Oct: p44)
- New Radcliffe House to Department of Experimental Psychology (announced 30 Jun 2022: p459) (carried 6 Oct: p23) (approved 13 Oct: p44)
- Radcliffe Observatory Quarter to Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division (announced 21 Jul 2022: p512) (carried 6 Oct: p22) (approved 13 Oct: p44)
- Robert Hooke Building to Department of Physics (announced 21 Jul 2022: p514) (carried 6 Oct: p23) (approved 13 Oct: p44)
- Wytham Field Station to Department of Zoology (announced 30 Jun 2022: p460) (carried 6 Oct: p23) (approved 13 Oct: p44)
- Conferment of Honorary Degrees
Legislative Proposals
- Sackler Keeper of Antiquities Endowment Fund
- Statute V: Colleges, Societies, and Permanent Private Halls
- Statute XIV: Employment of Academic and Support Staff by the University
- re holders of posts in grades 8–10 and clinical equivalents and posts in grade ALC6) (announced 21 Jul 2022: p514) (carried 13 Oct: p44) (approved 20 Oct: p60)
- re Professor of Poetry and employed visiting professors) (announced 21 Jul 2022: p514) (carried 13 Oct: p44) (approved 20 Oct: p60)
- re raising age of EJRA by one year (announced 21 Jul 2022: p515) (carried 13 Oct: p44) (approved 20 Oct: p60)
- Schedule to Council Statutes
- Part 4: Beit Professor of the History of the British Commonwealth (announced 21 Jul 2022: p512) (carried 6 Oct: p22) (approved 13 Oct: p44)
- Part 48: Associate Professor in Transport Studies (change to reflect the accession of King Charles III) (announced 1 Dec: p132) (carried 12 Jan: p149) (approved 19 Jan: p160)
- Part 65: Jesus Professorship of Celtic Endowment Fund (change to reflect the accession of King Charles III) (announced 1 Dec: p132) (carried 12 Jan: p149) (approved 19 Jan: p160)
- Part 67: Goodger and Schorstein Fund for Research Scholarships in Medical Science (change to reflect the accession of King Charles III) (announced 1 Dec: p132) (carried 12 Jan: p149) (approved 19 Jan: p160)
- Part 69: Scatcherd Scholarships (change to reflect the accession of King Charles III) (announced 1 Dec: p132) (carried 12 Jan: p149) (approved 19 Jan: p160)
Other Congregation business
- Clerks of the Market, admission (admitted 6 Oct: p22)
- Proctors and Assessor, admission (notice 19 Jan: p161) (admitted 16 Mar: p274)
- Pro-Vice-Chancellors, admission (admitted 6 Oct: p22)
- Suspension of regulations (partial) re Congregation Regulations 3 of 2002: Religious Services and Sermons (announced 25 May: p388) (carried 8 Jun: p420) (approved 15 Jun: p432)
- Vice-Chancellor
Register of Congregation
The following is a list of all of the Gazette notices of staff added to the Register of Congregation during the 2022/23 academic year. They are listed in order of the issue in which their name appears. A full listing of the whole Register of Congregation (as it stands at a particular date) is published in Hilary term each year.
Revised Register of Congregation 2022
- As at 7 Feb: p223
Michaelmas term
Hilary term
Trinity term
Degree by Resolution
The following is a list of all of the Gazette notices of staff awarded an MA by resolution during the 2022/23 academic year. They are listed by the date of the Gazette issue in which the resolution was announced. Single sign-on login is required to read these notices*:
Michaelmas term
Hilary term
Trinity term
The following is a list of elections held during the 2022/23 academic year as published in the Gazette. They are listed by category and then by notices of vacancies, nominations published and results. Further information about elections within the University of Oxford can be found on the Elections website.
Elections by Congregation
- Council
- Audit and Scrutiny Committee (vacancy announced: p153) (lapsed vacancy: p201)
- Buildings and Estates Subcommittee (vacancy announced: p300) (uncontested election result: p377)
- Curators of the University Libraries
- Curators of the University Parks
- Curators of the Sheldonian Theatre (vacancies announced: p300) (uncontested election result: p377)
- Delegacy for Military Instruction (vacancy announced: p300) (uncontested election result: p378)
- Ethical Investment Representations Review Subcommittee (vacancies announced: p301) (uncontested election result: p378) (lapsed vacancy: p381)
- Nominations Committee (vacancies announced: p301) (lapsed vacancies: p381)
- Panel for Constituting the Visitatorial Board under Statute XII Part C (vacancies announced: p301) (lapsed vacancies: p381)
- Pool for Constituting Panels under Statute XII
- Visitors of the Ashmolean Museum (vacancy announced: p301) (uncontested election result: p378)
- Prevent Steering Group (vacancy announced: p302) (lapsed vacancy: p381)
Elections by Convocation
Divisional Board Elections
- Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Divisional Board (vacancy announced: p302) (uncontested election result: p378) (lapsed vacancy: p381)
- Medical Sciences Divisional Board (vacancy announced: p143) (uncontested election result: p201)
- Social Sciences Divisional Board (vacancies announced: p302) (uncontested election result: p378)
Faculty Board Elections
- Board of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (vacancies announced: p302) (lapsed vacancies: p382)
- Board of the Faculty of Classics (vacancies announced: p303) (uncontested election result: p379)
- Board of the Faculty of English Language and Literature (vacancies announced: p303) (lapsed vacancies: p382)
- Board of the Faculty of History (vacancies announced: p303) (uncontested election result: p379)
- Board of the Faculty of Law
- Board of the Faculty of Music (vacancies announced: p303) (uncontested election result: p380)
- Board of the Faculty of Philosophy (vacancies announced: p303) (uncontested election result: p380)
- Board of the Faculty of Theology and Religion
Consultative and general notices published in the Gazette during the 2022/23 academic year
Consultative notices
- Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Prizes Fund (consolidation of funds), p485
- Honorary Degrees and Degrees by Diploma (call for nominations), p173
- Lady Margaret Hall (revised statutes), p5
- Medical Sciences Division/Education Committee (review of School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography), p76
- Open and Transparent Research Practices survey, p150
- Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division/Education Committee (review of the Department of Earth Sciences), p389
- Social Sciences Division/Education Committee (review of School of Geography and the Environment), p76
General notices
- Beit Professor of the History of the British Commonwealth (statute approved by His Majesty in Council), p283
- Clinical Embryology, MSc (deadline for research dissertations), p11
- Education Committee (endorsement for Language Centre integration with the Department for Continuing Education), p455
- Encaenia:
- Gazette
- Higher doctorates (suspension of applications), p338
- Industrial action:
- Linacre: revised statutes, p150
- OUP Annual Report (publication), p486
- University of Oxford Staff Pension Scheme (vacancies for trustee directors), p455
- St Stephen's House (becoming an independent theological college), p373
- Shamma Lecturer and Assistant Keeper in Islamic Numismatics (statute approved by Privy Council), p97
- Staff Communications Feedback Group (applications open), p353
- Staff Employment Review Panels and University Appeal Panels: report, p174
- Sustainable Digital Scholarship (research data management event), p186
- University Calendar published, p161, p295)
- University research funding and donations related to fossil fuels (guidance), p77
- Van Houten Fund (open for bids), p198
- Vice-Chancellor’s Professional Services Awards (open for applications), p97
- VPN service changes, p295
Appointment-related notices
All notices relating to the appointment and recognition of distinction of staff and visiting professors at the University published in the Gazette during the 2022/23 academic year
Appointments and reappointments
Statutory Professorships and other senior positions
- Philip Wetton Professorship of Astrophysics (Stephen Smartt), p11
- Whitley Professorship of Biochemistry (Amanda Fisher), p161
- Sherardian Professorship of Botany (Lars Østergaard), p45
- Kidani Professorship of Cancer Immuno-Therapeutics (Ignacio Melero), p45
- Waynflete Professorship of Chemistry (Véronique Gouverneur), p11
- His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani Professorship in Contemporary Islamic Studies (Raihan Ismail), p295
- Nuffield Professorship of Economics (Abigail Adams-Prassl), p106
- Professorship of Education (Robert Klassen), p486
- Professorship of Electrical Engineering (Martin Booth), )p473
- Goldsmiths' Professor of English Literature (Peter Boxall), p408
- JRR Tolkien Professorship of English Literature and Language (Marion Turner), p45
- Professorship of European Archaeology (Amy Bogaard), p353
- Jonathan Cooper Professorship of the History of Sexualities (Matt Cook), p390
- Pearson Professorship of International Relations (Krzysztof Pelc), p257
- Head of the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division (James Henderson Naismith), p373
- David Phillips Professorship of Molecular Biophysics (Simon Newstead), p45
- Barclay-Williams Professorship of Molecular Immunology (Emma Slack), p296
- Kennedy Trust Professorship of Molecular Immunology (Michael Dustin), p12
- Michael Davys Professorship of Neuroscience (Naomi Wray), p174
- Professorship of the Philosophy of Law (David Enoch), p296
- Drummond Professorship of Political Economy (Noam Yuchtman), p106)
- Professorship of Psychology (Daniel Freeman), p296
- Boden Professorship of Sanskrit (James Mallinson), p296
- Andreas Idreos Professorship of Science and Religion (Mark Harris), p455
- Barnett Professorship of Social Policy (Kenneth Nelson), p12
- Professorship of Sustainable Energy Engineering (Paul Shearing), p267
- Brigitte (Ita) Askonas Professor of Translational Immunology (Tao Dong), p486
- Professorship of Translational Medicine (Anjan Thakurta), p353
Other Appointments and Reappointments
Visiting Professorships
Recognition of Distinction
Electoral Boards and Selection Committees
Electoral Boards
- Professorship of Education, p113
- Valerie Beral Professorship of Epidemiology, p296 (revised: p353)
- Professorship of Electrical Engineering, p125
- Goldsmiths’ Professorship of English Literature, p125
- Professorship of European Archaeology, p113
- Dame Louise Richardson Professorship of Global Security, p296
- Peter Moores Professorship of Management Studies, p445
- Professorship of Microbiology, p296 (revised: p445)
- Professorship of Numerical Analysis, p162
- Professorship of the Philosophy of Law, p114
- Nuffield Chair of Primary Care Health Sciences, p14
- Chichele Professorship of Public International Law, p297
- Boden Professor of Sanskrit, p14
- Professorship of Social Anthropology, p297
- Professorship of Sustainable Energy Engineering, p14
- Professorship of Translational Analysis, p162
- Professorship of Translational Medicine, p217
Selection Committees
- Head of the MPLS Division, p275
All lecture notices published in the Gazette during the 2022/23 academic year
Termly supplements
Other lecture notices
Michaelmas term
Hilary term
Trinity term
Events & exhibitions
All notices relating to musical and other events and exhibitions published in the Gazette during the 2022/23 academic year
University Sermons
Musical and other events
- Bodleian Libraries (12 Jan, p150)
- Christ Church (4 May, p338)
- Faculty of Law (2 Mar, p257)
- Harris Manchester (20 Apr, p297)
- Lincoln (13 Oct, p45) (17 Nov, p114)
- Maison Française (12 Jan, p150)
- Merton (20 Oct, p62)
- New College (6 Oct, p24) (26 Jan, p174) (4 May, p338) (11 May, p354) (15 Jun, p433)
- PhotOx Photography Society (26 Jan, p174) (27 Apr, p325)
- St Cross (13 Oct, p45) (3 Nov, p97) (8 Jun, p421)
- St Stephen's House (24 Nov, p126)
Student-related notices
Single sign-on login is required to read these notices*:
Viva voce examinations
Michaelmas term
Hilary term
Trinity term
Prizes awarded to graduate students
- Ancient History Prize (Faculty of Classics), p13
- Arthur Lewis Prize for the Best Examination Essays in Development Economics (Department of International Development), p487
- Chancellor’s English Essay Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p13, p391
- Chancellor's Latin Prize for Prose and Verse (Faculty of Classics), p408
- Eldon Law Scholarship (Faculty of Law), p199
- English Poem on a Sacred Subject Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p13
- Gaisford Prizes for Greek Prose and Verse (Faculty of Classics), p408
- George Webb Medley Prize for Best Overall Performance (Department of International Development), p487
- Gilbert Ryle Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p14
- Gotch Memorial Prize (Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour), p209
- Jill and Herbert Hunt Travelling Scholarship (Medical Sciences), p45
- Jon Stallworthy Poetry Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p150, p217, p391
- Lord Alfred Douglas Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p14, p474
- Luca D’Agliano Prize for Best Dissertation (Department of International Development), p487
- Matthew Arnold Memorial Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p14, p391
- MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy (Department of International Development), p77, p487
- MSc in Migration Studies, p77
- Peter Beaconsfield Prize in Physiological Sciences (Medical Sciences), p14, p474
- Shelley–Mills Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p14, p391
- Sir Roger Newdigate Prize (Faculty of English Language and Literature), p150, p209, p391
- Sir Alec Turnbull Travelling Scholarships (Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health), p408
- Stutchbury Scholarship (Department of Pharmacology), p24
Prizes, grants and funding offered
- Asian Studies Centre, St Antony’s:
- Australian National University: ANU Study Exchange, p157
- Bodleian Libraries: Colin Franklin Prize for Book Collecting, p69
- Chinese Government Scholarships, p138
- Christ Church: Tower Poetry Competition, p69
- Faculty of English Language and Literature:
- Faculty of English Language and Literature/Wolfson: Jon Stallworthy Poetry Prize 2023, p19
- Gladstone Memorial Trust: Travel Awards, p169
- Gotch Memorial Prize, p19
- Hanseatic and Theodor Heuss Scholarships, p146
- Faculty of History: Roy Foster Irish Government Research Fellowship in the History and Culture of Ireland, p334
- History of Art Committee: Laurence Binyon Prize 2023, p309
- Lee Placito Medical Fund, p121, p309
- Medical Sciences Division: Peter Beaconsfeld Prize in Physiological Sciences, p181
- Oxford Martin School: funding round, p50
- Peterhouse, Cambridge:
- Philippe Wiener–Maurice Anspach Foundation, p121,p213
- Queen Elizabeth Scholarship, p138
- Scatcherd European Scholarships and Charterhouse European Bursaries, p146
- St John’s College, Cambridge:
College notices
All notices relating to memorial services, obituary notices and the election of staff in colleges, halls and societies published in the Gazette during the 2022/23 academic year
- All Souls (1 Dec, p135)
- Christ Church (20 Oct, p65) (17 Nov, p117) (1 Dec, p135) (12 Jan, p152) (23 Feb, p218) (16 Mar, p276) (20 Apr, p299)
- Exeter (3 Nov, p99) (17 Nov, p117) (1 Dec, p135)
- Lincoln (12 Jan, p152)
- Merton (29 Sep, p16) (20 Oct, p65) (3 Nov, p99) (24 Nov, p127) (12 Jan, p152) (9 Feb, p201) (9 Mar, p268) (20 Apr, p299) (20 Jul, p491)
- Oriel (16 Mar, p276) (20 Apr, p299)
- St Catherine's (17 Nov, p117) (12 Jan, p152) (9 Feb, p201)
- St Cross (16 Feb, p210) (23 Feb, p218)
- St Hilda's (24 Nov, p127) 19 Jan, p164) (23 Feb, p219) (20 Apr, p299) (25 May, p393) (15 Jun, p435)
- St Hugh's (19 Jan, p164) (16 Mar, p276) (20 Apr, p299) (20 Jul, p491)
- Trinity (3 Nov, p99) (2 Mar, p259) (29 Jun, p457)
- Worcester (29 Sep, p16) (26 Jan, p175)
College elections
Memorial services
* certain student-related content published in the Gazette can only be read online by current University staff or students, because it is covered by a prohibition on publishing outside the EU under data protection legislation